Thursday, September 24, 2009

1st sickness

Am I really blogging about Eleri's first sickness? I guess I am. Since I'm wonderfully stuck with a sleeping, sick baby in my arms I have time to blog from my phone. Sweet Eleri has decided the best place for her to be the last 18 hours or so is
right in mommy's arms, and with good reason. She started out with a fever of 101 at 9:30 last night and the after the
motrin wore off at 4:30am, a 103.4 fever! After more motrin, a bath and a $15 after hours call to the nurse, her fever went down to 101
and is still there. Out pediatrician graciously worked us in after two phone calls from this worried mother, and Eleri has a virus. It is j. Her
throat. And as all moms know, viruses have to work themselves out- no medication!!! Poor girl. The good news is that God has taken care of this sweet girl!!! Oh the lessons in trusting God that parenting brings.
Oh, and she weighs 18.9lbs!!!

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