Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Princess Kicks

Here is the latest video montage of Mali from soccer practice. The first part is last week's practice, and the second part is the first week of soccer. She continues to improve. She was doing great practicing with her Daddy last night.

Here are some things Mali has said lately that just take us off guard or make us laugh:
"Don't touch me because you'll get me dirty and I'm very beautiful right now" said to Uncle Brandon and Josh, who were no where near dirty.
"I can't close my eyes because I'm not made that way"
"Can I wear a skirt?" Asking me and her Daddy when she was getting ready for soccer practice.
"God is in my boobies" I've talked with her about Jesus being in our hearts, and she responded this way, very adamant because her heart is in her boobies.
"You're ruining my life" said to Mimi when she didn't get her way.
"You think you can do these things, but you can't"

Disclaimer: the last TWO statements are a direct influence of Finding Nemo. I deleted it off our DVR and told her if she talks like that we can't watch Finding Nemo.

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