Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Eleri's heart

This picture is a picture of a normal heart, and it is Eleri's heart! Dr. Flippin gave us "one for the baby book." I thought that was kind of funny.
I kept trying to think of a clever title for this post, but just couldn't. So, I will just get to the facts of the appointment. We went to see Dr. Mindee Flippin in Lubbock yesterday. She did another ultrasound and an EKG on Eleri. I'm so thankful we went to a specialist and she was a wonderful doctor. She did see a tiny hole in Eleri's heart. She was not concerned though and thought she will probably just grow out of it. She reassured us that this will not impair Eleri's life AT ALL and we will not see ANY symptoms whatsoever. Dr. Flippin said that worst case scenario, Eleri won't be able to scuba dive!:) She said that the hole was a tiny pin prick size. She reassured me over and over that was okay and was nice enough to tell me to call her if I need to, saying that she does "Mommy calls" all the time. We loved her, bare feet and all!:) Also, while doing the scan, Dr. Flippin found that the blood was rushing through Eleri's pulmonary artery very fast. This is called Pulmonary Stenosis. She wasn't concerned about this either, and said that most likely this will correct as well. Eleri was very active and was trying to pull out of the swaddle they had her in, which could be why the blood was going fast. Also, the blood was going just a little above normal limits, so it was really nothing major. So, we will go back in 8 weeks to have her re-evaluate the hole and the Pulmonary Stenosis. Again, Dr. Flippin said none of this will impair her life, and gave us the worst case scenario that we come back in 8 weeks, then 3 months, and then yearly, and she may need antibiotics before dental surgery and can't scuba dive. To sum it up, there is something wrong, but not anything major or anything that may not correct itself. I don't feel "relieved" but I'm so very very thankful that it is not anything worse and that these problems will all correct, I guess I just don't want anything wrong with my sweet baby. Thank you so much for all of your prayers, and as Dr. Flippin said, we will just pray that next time she sees nothing!

We also got to visit the Dallas family while we there. It was a quick trip but as always they were so wonderful and accommodating to us! Beth let Mali stay at her house while we had the appointment. We met them for lunch at One Guy's! It has been so long since I've had a calzone, but it was great. I think the kids all enjoyed sitting at the bar eating pizza (well at least Calyn and Abby were eating).

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