Thursday, April 23, 2009

12 weeks old...Miss Eleri is 3 months!

Today Eleri is 12 weeks old, and once again I find myself in shock at how fast it went by. Eleri is such a joy and really enriches our life and our family. She loves smiling and talking away. Her smiles just make our day! Eleri has started to laugh on occasion too, it is so funny and precious. She loves her big sister, especially when Mali reads to her, but has shown that she needs her space too. Eleri is lifting up her head great and is even attempting to sit up straight in her car seat. Eleri loves her hands! She almost always has her fists in her mouth sucking on them, as you can see in one of the pictures. She is also beginning to follow her hands with her eyes, and it is too cute. Eleri has been sick so much since she's been born, so much more than Mali ever was, but she finally seems to be over this round of cough! The doctors say it is just drainage every time! She isn't a huge fan of her tummy time and usually rolls over pretty quick after I put her on her tummy. Naps are a little bit of an issue right now, she is always waking up 45 minutes before she needs to eat, but is still sleepy. It seems that each day I vow to make it the day we work on it, but then something else comes up. She is also not sleeping through the night, but I'm not surprised. However, she really just fusses and if she gets her pacifier or I feed her goes back to sleep fairly easily. We've decided that tonight is the night that she will move out of our room into her own. We'll see how that goes, since I can't nap during the day, the 5 minutes dozes I get help me out at night, but I'm afraid with her in her room I won't get back to sleep as quickly. However, she is outgrowing the cradle, so I suppose it is just time! Mali was out of our room at 2 months. I'm realizing how different #2 is! It seems that we are always on the go. Thankfully, Eleri has finally stopped screaming in the car and relaxes and sometimes falls asleep. Despite my efforts to keep our house loud and never silence Mali, Eleri still is sensitive to noise and wakes easily. Besides having to share affection and attention with her sister (who often gets the short end of the stick), Eleri is just doing amazing. Last Friday (at 11 weeks) she weighed 12.1 (just to compare, which I really need to learn NOT to do, Mali was 12.7 at 11 weeks). We sure love our girls are trying to enjoy these precious gifts God has given to us.
And a video of Eleri:

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