Friday, April 3, 2009

The Girls Stats and some hard news

Today we took BOTH girls for their well checks, Mali her 4 year (her old pedi would only do well checks in the summer so when we switched we got Mali in too) and Eleri her 2 month visit. BOTH girls got shots and BOTH girls screamed! Mali threw a huge fit and kicked and kicked the nurse, then she said "please just don't hurt me" and then told the nurse "you're not listenting, please don't hurt me." She got pink ice cream and a Happy Meal from McDonalds to take the pain away. Eleri gave the nurse a huge smile and then got stuck, and screamed. It was heart breaking!
So here are their stats:
Mali-32lbs and 42 inches tall. Her weights is in the 50th percentile and height in the 90th percentile!!! She is tall but may be in a car seat the rest of her life!:)

Eleri-10.11 lbs and 23 inches long and her head was 37 3/4 cm. Weight in 50th percentile, height in 75th percentile, head in 25th percentile.

I haven't looked at what Mali weighed and measured at 2 months, but Mali's head was also always in the 25th percentile.

I'm thankful for my tall girls!

And then on to our hard news, the pediatrician found that Eleri has a heart murmur. It was hard to hear (especially since I'm on the edge emotionally anyway), but I also know that God wasn't surprised by this and loves little Eleri even more than we do! I also reminded myself of Jackson Hill and Zach Dallas who also had heart murmurs but they have healed/corrected. We don't know anything more about it right now, but will go for an ultrasound soon to take a closer look at it. The waiting is hard!

Mali is a little grumpy from shots, but can walk fine now. Eleri is having a little harder time and has been crying out in pain off and on. She's had trouble eating too, which also stresses me out a little. I can already tell the difference in the girls...Mali never seemed to be this bothered by her shots.

We are in Dalhart now to visit Auntie Kisha...her first time to meet Eleri!


  1. God has your family in His hands. Your faith is so strong Bri. Hang in there!

  2. An update on stats:
    At 2 months Mali weighed 11 lb 3 oz and was 22.5 inches tall, her head was also 37 3/4 cm. So it looks like they are VERY similar in size.
