Thursday, April 30, 2009

Crazy with a capital C

Well I think I need to make an explanation before all of my Facebook friends find out through wall posts. Yes, we got another dog. Here is the story....I love my husband and want to make him happy. He has always wanted a lab or weimaraner. Yesterday, I took Mali to pre-k and one of the moms asked me if I wanted a dog. I said "no way, my husband is trying to get rid of the one we have". Then she showed me him...silver with bright blue eyes. I called Eric to see, but really thought the answer was no, and also called Brandon to tell him. Since the dog was free, it was easy to consider. Eric called me back so excited because this is his "dream" dog. I explained to him that there was NO WAY I could help him with this, and he agreed to take full responsibility and care for this boy, his only chance at a boy as he phrased it. He thinks that Aspen will die soon, she looks pretty bad, and had made arrangements for Asa to find a new home, so we could have been dog-less. It is funny how invested Eric is when it is something that is his. In the mean time, we also convinced Brandon to take a female silver, since we can't find him a human female companion!:) So, right now we have 4 dogs at our house. Last night, Eric got up with the dogs and was not very happy about it this morning. I actually got up less than he did. We aren't sure how Asa will react to them, but as soon as we are comfortable with their interactions, the dogs will go outside. Brandon can't take his dog until next week, but we think they are sleeping better at night because they have each other.
Eric has tentatively named the male "Shank", like shanking a ball in golf, because the dog is a mixed lab/weimaraner. And yes, we are Crazy with a capital C, it is just hard for me to miss making my husband happy, well at least in this way. We are still in trial run mode, so he is not here to stay YET.

1 comment:

  1. 4 dogs...that's nuts!!! but what a sweet little could you say no!
