Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Eleri's (potential) birthdate

Today I had my regular OB appointment and it went great. I was in and out in 11 minutes!!! Those of you that shared the same OB as me in Lubbock understand how WONDERFUL that is!
Anyway, Eleri's heart rate and movement was great (HR: 164). The OB commented that she was excited today. She still feels breech as far as we can tell, but I will have another ultrasound in two weeks to confirm position, size, date, etc. I am measuring about 1 week behind. The OB also said that the last sonogram showed that Eleri seemed to be normally small! Mali was 7lbs 9oz, so I'm not sure how small Eleri will be. I was a 5lb baby, so who knows. Eric thinks that Eleri is going to have more of my genetics than his and is picturing a dark headed, small baby girl! It will be fun to see the differences and similarities of our two girls.
We also scheduled Eleri's birthday! It feels so weird to know when she is coming. The date, as long as she doesn't decide to come sooner, is January 29, 2009.
Mali seems to be getting more and more interested in baby Eleri too, which is great. She has been asking to feel her kick/move and tells all her little friends about it. In the past two weeks, when Mali has just been giggling and touching my belly, Eleri has really moved. I think that is just too cute that she is responding to her sister's laughter! I'm getting bigger and bigger and I think had a growth spurt, I think Thanksgiving helped! I will take a picture with Mali and post it soon!
Keep us in your prayers as we approach the c-section. I asked about what we could do about blood loss this time and my OB suggested that I get family members that have O type blood to donate. Eric has O but they will not take the father's blood because it could interfere with the baby. So, anyway want to donate some blood to me???:)
We are just hanging in there and going along with life, all the while her birthday quickly approaches! We are excited, but I'm a little nervous too about how life will change!


  1. Having a date makes light at the end of the tunnel! With the holidays and New Year's that will be here before we know it! Can't wait to see who she looks like!

  2. I don't know what kinda of blood I can have it though :)
