Wednesday, December 10, 2008

50 days

I thought today was a blog worthy occasion, being that it is now 50 days until Eleri's scheduled birthdate. I'm still processing (or ignoring) the idea of it all, so I don't have much to write. I feel so overwhelmed with simple little projects that need to be done; Christmas cards sent out, pictures put up in photo albums, linen closet organized, Mali's closet organized, DVD/video storage space organized/cleaned out, Eleri's bookcase organized and made to look nice, plus everything that needs to be done to Eleri's room. This is my list of silly little things that I want done before she comes. However, daily tasks like unloading the dishwasher, staying on Mali to clean her room (which is currently in major disaster mode and I obviously haven't stayed on her today or yesterday for that matter), nap time (have I mentioned I've been sick this week, uugh, nap has been a must to recover). I'm also counting my time with Mali as precious. I'm trying to be wise with the last (50) days that we have left, just her and I. I know life will change so unimaginably (both good and bad), but I want to be intentional with the time I have left. This has made me cry the past few days as the day approaches. I realize what we've had is special, and will change forever. On the flip side, I'm very excited to meet Eleri and see what she looks like. I look forward to seeing how this will shape Mali for the better. I'm thrilled at having two girls and watching a sister relationship develop. Eric is also very excited to meet Eleri. So, I ended writing more than I thought I could about this event. Here are some prayer requests I have as the day approaches:
Mali to adjust amazingly to Eleri's arrival and addition to our family.
My heart to be so close to God that I can react in the Spirit towards Mali and NOT in my own flesh.
I will not loose much blood in c-section.
C-section to go well
Spinal to go well, no spinal headache. Great anesthesiologist and that they will get my spine the FIRST time!
This may be a long shot, but anyway, that massaging my uterus WILL NOT be as painful!
I will be able to bond with Eleri
I will remember my first moments with Eleri
My time in recovery will be quick, without sickness or low blood pressure, or anything else that happened last time.
I would not have much of a need for pain meds.
I will be able to balance Eleri and Mali
Feeding to go well. That Eleri will be a good, efficient eater.
Eleri would be healthy and perfectly developed.
Mali will feel loved and have fun with whomever she will be with during those few days we are at the hospital.

I know there are so many more. But for now that is what I can think of for the delivery day as it approaches. Thanks for loving us and always praying for us! Here's to the 50 day count down!


  1. That is a lot to do! I feel overwhelmed also with all I have to do and we're not even expecting.

    You sure do plan (and worry ;-)) early! ;-) But I know you're just preparing, the more prayers, the better! I'll keep you and you family in mine!

  2. I'm praying for you and your family. I know I have not been commenting, but I ahve been keeping up with what is going on. I am very excited for ya'll.

  3. Wow, Eleri will be here before you know it, how exciting! and what a blessing! We are definitely praying for you and all that comes with the new addition.

  4. Know that God knows your thoughts and concerns and worrying does no good! That baby is His and so is Mali.....and so are YOU! Rest in the palm of His hand!
