Friday, December 19, 2008

Breech, Bronchitis, Breathing Treatments, and Brownies

That alliteration sums up our day yesterday! I had my 34 week appointment and sonogram yesterday. Eleri is still breech (no surprise there) and the c-section is scheduled for 12pm on Thursday January 29th. Everything looked great with her and me. She is still measuring a little small, but only about a week behind, which is no big deal to the doctor. Maybe a small baby, maybe not, we will wait patiently to see. I'm again feeling overwhelmed with all that is needing to be done before her arrival and have lost silly amount of sleep thinking about how little time we have left! Eric is going to spend his break working on her room, so maybe that will help us feel more prepared!
After my appointment, we took Mali to her pediatrician. Wednesday night she told Eric her ear was hurting. After a miserable waiting room experience, we finally got in. I was almost sure that it was going to be one of those "nothing's wrong" diagnosis. She hasn't acted like she feels bad, hasn't run fever, or any other sign of anything besides a runny nose and cough. And after her Christmas preschool party, she looked just like every other kid sitting on the table with a red upper lip and scratchy voice. So, to cut to the chase, Diagnosis #1-Bronchitis and apparently her lungs sounded really bad to the doctor. The doctor said she typically only diagnosis 2 cases of bronchitis a year (meaning to her it is rare because the bronchi don't develop until age 4). Diagnosis #2-Very bad ear infection in her left ear!!! Diagnosis #3-UTI! So this girl is on two antibiotics and one steroid. We have to give her breathing treatments every three hours and had to do in three times last night (I guess another preparation for a new baby!) Eric and I did take turns though. I think tonight will be our last night of doing it in the middle of the night, but it has to happen every three hours. It breaks my heart, and I started crying last night because it wakes her up and it is just miserable for her! I know that many of you have had to go through this already, so I don't need sympathy, just to vent! I'm thankful that this is our first experience with breathing treatments. Other than all the treatments and meds, Mali is acting fine (if not a little ornery). Last night I took a video of her jumping on her mini trampoline and then onto the couch. (the video won't upload). She did that all night. She's also been riding her scooter around on the woods floors and just playing like nothing is wrong! Just wanted to update everyone on our crazy life. Oh, and she gets brownies after every day time treatment!:) I'm very thankful for Daddy's intuition that took us to the doctor to begin with!


  1. That is so weird, because Troy has had the same symptoms for awhile now and just last night complained of his ear hurting. Turns out to be a double ear infection and strep, but he is still asking to go to the park! They both must have a high pain tolerance!

  2. Brownies! YUM! I can't believe you are 34 weeks. What if she comes early...YIKES! She's going to be here so fast. I hope Mali gets better. Poor thing!

  3. You do have a lot going on! I'm glad Mali was never feeling bad and I hope she's getting better quick! The poor girl does have a lot going on, and so does her poor mommy and daddy! Good luck with everything! At least the nursery is done! :o)
