Tuesday, December 30, 2008

36 weeks

I'm not exactly sure where I am, a little short of 36 weeks, but by date I have a month to go so thought I better take and post the latest belly picture! We are hanging in there, just trying to get our never ending to-do list and project list widdled down before Eleri makes her arrival. I feel stressed and overwhelmed at this point, but at the same time and relieved to know that if she comes she comes and she will be healthy! It is pretty clear I've gotten bigger (watch the slideshow if you have to see it to believe it!!), I'm wondering how big that will make me at 40 weeks!!!!


  1. I love the belly pics. I didn't get to take a last one with Claire since she surprised me and came so fast...my last one was at 36wks. I know you feel stressed, but try to rest in the fact that God WILL meet ALL your needs according to his glorious riches...He has ALWAYS been faithful to you, even in the transitions/hard stuff of life :) Love you friend.

  2. Wow, only a few weeks left! Hope you can enjoy it and relax a little! You are so beautiful! It's hard to imagine that your skin could stretch enough for you to become bigger! Hope your back is hanging in there, it seems like the only place you gained at all is right in your stomach which must be hard on your back.

    Guess what, I'm pregnant too! I just found out on the 30th, so I'm not very far along, but we're super duper excited!!! :o)

  3. You're getting so close! I pray all continues to be well in the coming days...and when she arrives!


  4. Wow... you look wonderful! Praying for you these last few weeks! :-)
