Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

We survived, and no baby yet! I'm thankful to have made it through Christmas! Our Christmas was really great and a little less hectic than usual, besides packing up all of Mali's toys to go from house to house. Mali did great and was appreciative, for the most part. Mail's top gifts: Princess Aurora Vanity and Cash register from Mimi and Papa, Barbie guitar from Auntie Kisha, Amercian Girl doll and princess dolls from Grandpa and Nana, Tinkerbell DVD from Aunt Megan and Uncle Chris (and she was thrilled to have 2 easy bake ovens!!!), and babydoll from Uncle Jordan's family. Mali also enjoyed her Polly Pockets from Grammie (and a present to come later) and her laptop computer and plush ice cream set from us. We had a fun Family Christmas...eating Rosa's on the floor, watching Elf, warming by the fire, and opening our presents from each other. Mali only gets 3 presents from us just like Baby Jesus got three presents. Of course this is not an all inclusive list. Mali's was blessed and spoiled with many wonderful things. She got lots of cute cute clothes but has enjoyed the toys more! It was a good Christmas and we are thankful that Jesus was born so that we can celebrate this on to the upcoming celebration of our baby's birth!


  1. Glad you all had a wonderful and calmer than normal Christmas. And it's probably good that Eleri hasn't made her debut yet. Eric totally looks different with shorter hair and the facial hair, looks good! Happy New Year!!!

  2. Glad Mali had fun. We should talk soon and I can't believe you found the Angel!
