Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mali's 4th Birthday...with a cherry on top!

On November 23rd, Mali turned 4 year's old! This year we were able to have her party on the same day as her birthday. It was pretty crazy, but turned out really great. She is really becoming a beautiful, sweet (mostly), big girl! I can't believe she is this old already, but does look grown up. I love holding her hand when we walk and watching her learn and grow. Some days are still really challenging, but I don't expect that to ever ease up. We love her so much and are so thankful for the blessings, laughs, tears, and wonderful moments that she adds to our lives!
Mali wanted to decorate cupcakes for her birthday party. So that is what we did...with 8 three and four year olds! It went really well. Mali's friends from Lubbock were able to come as well as her new friends from here. She is so social (maybe a little like me) and kept adding friends to her "list". I think being with her friends was what mattered to her the most. She was also blessed to have family come. Grammie, Aunt Zina and Gabe came from Colorado. Auntie Kisha and Josh came from Dennison. She also had the "locals"; Aunt Megan and Uncle Chris, Uncle Brandon, Mimi and Papa, and Nana and Grandpa. It was a good, but crazy, time!:) I'm thankful for our wonderful home to house everyone and our wonderful friends and family that helped us out to make the party possible. The moment that is going in the "books" this year, is that Mali did not want any one to sing Happy Birthday to her and started crying, and then proceeded to scream for shrill-ly at everyone for singing. Then she wouldn't blow out her candles, but had help from her little friends. We didn't even get to cutting the cake, because Mali was so ready for presents (it tasted great by the way...thanks to help from Beth and Melissa). Mali received lots of great presents and love from everyone. The hit with all of the kids had to be the karaoke machine that Uncle Brandon got her. The guys (Eric and Brandon) set it up in our room the the kids were already playing with it. Mali loved her flashlight and sleeping bag from Nana and Papa, her cupcake outfit for Snowflake, clothes, and dance cam from Grammie, her raincoat/hat from Aunt Zina, her Hello Kitty toothpase and toothbrush, light up candy sucker, and babydolls from Aunt Megan and Uncle Chris, her clothes from Auntie Kisha, and I can't not mention her giant Bubble gum machine from Mimi and Papa. I asked her what her favorite was, and she said "lipgloss, because I wanted make-up and that was all the make up I got". We got her the lip gloss, because every time we went to Wal-Mart she would grab it and make sure we knew to "put it on the list". We also got her the book Pinkalicous and a Kid Tough Camera that she seems to really be enjoying. It was definitely a successful birthday. She received so many great gifts from friends to, not including their presence at her party. Thanks for loving our big girl!

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