Thursday, November 20, 2008

Answered prayer at 29 weeks

Today I had my regular OB appointment because next week is Thanksgiving and they weren't seeing patients. Everything looked great, I measured 29 to 30 weeks and heartbeat was 158 and great. We briefly discussed what to do about delivery, but I wasn't ready to commit to anything. Plus Mali was with me (she was pretending to be the wind behind the changing curtain, you can probably imagine that) while I was talking with the doctor so he said January 26th looked great but we could schedule it as early as January 23rd. So Eric and I have some dates to talk about. I did talk with my OB about Eleri not moving very much this week, so he ordered a sonogram. I couldn't get a hold of Eric, so Mali and I went together. Eleri wouldn't really move much for the sonographer even when she "buzzed" her but we finally got a little kick. After looking around at her, her heart, blood flow, and brain all looked great. The sonographer said "she's just lazy or laid back". The whole time Mali was trying to "help" by pushing on my stomach and trying to rip off the pictures from the machine, so it was pretty quick. I'm sure the sonographer wanted us out! Anyway, to get to the point, ever since we got into the clear, the big dilemma and question weighing on my mind has been how to have this baby. I would love a normal delivery but was worried about having another c-section after laboring again. I also had a difficult time recovering from my last c-section, so I just didn't know what to do. I've been praying that God would make it very clear to me what we should do (secretly hoping I would just go into labor and be a 6 and have her normally). So today, during the sonogram we feel like we got our answer...Eleri is breech! That is why she hasn't really been moving, because her feet are down and her head is up! (The kicks to the bladder have not gone unnoticed though). We know she could turn, but Eric pointed out that God still answered our prayer. We will be scheduling a c-section at my next OB appointment. Today my prayer request at bible study was that God would give us a clear answer, and we feel like this is the answer. How much more clear can it be? Thank you GOD!!! I'm a little sad, but confident that God always does what is best for His children.

Here is a picture of Miss Eleri at a whopping 2lbs


  1. Don't you love when God answers prayer so clearly? Seriously Brie, my second c-section was a million times better than the first. My recovery has also been very pleasant. I hope this makes you feel better!!

  2. Praise Jesus for answers! I'm praying you will love this C-section as much as I did mine. I also pray you will have a speedy recovery!

  3. That is definitely a clear answer. Getting close!

  4. I'm so glad that Eleri is doing well and that you have the answer. He did make it easier for you and answered your prayers!
