Tuesday, November 4, 2008

27 weeks

Today I had my 27 week appointment, which is exactly 3 months from my due date! Yikes! The doctor had to be in surgery so I just saw the Nurse practitioner. The appointment went great. I've gained weight and am measuring on target. Eleri's heart beat was 158 and the nurse said she sounded great. On Sunday night, I had two REAL contractions. The Braxton Hicks have continued, but this was painful and the real thing. The nurse wasn't worried, but said to stay off my feet, don't pick up Mali if I can help it, drink lots of water, and rest as much as possible. We all know the reality of those things happening the 2nd time around. But Sunday night was sort of a wake up call for me that I need to be more careful because we don't want our baby girl coming this soon. I've really felt great and have been going, going, going...which I do enjoy. Mali is enjoying my "big, fat tummy" and loves to point it out to everyone and laugh hysterically at it. Mali is also calling Baby Sister "Eleri Cate Plus 8". Our favorite family show is Jon and Kate Plus 8, so Mali thinks that's what Eleri's name is. Mali loves to scream and laugh when she sees Kate's
"big, fat tummy" on the intro of the show and asks me if I'm going to get that big...we'll see, I'm not carrying 6!
I will go back in 2 weeks for a regular appointment and will probably make a decision about delivery at that point. We've had issues getting my medical records, which my OB needs before he will even let me consider a V-BAC. I'm still praying about what to do! I go back and forth. I'd love the normal experience of a VBAC and not being so out of it and being able to hold and bond with my baby girl, but I'm also concerned about having another emergency c-section. We'll see! I'm just praying God makes the decision VERY clear to us!
I'm still so thankful for this little girl and think that is why this part of pregnancy has been so much more enjoyable. I'm trying not to complain at the discomforts, but to focus on her moving and the miracle of it all! I'm so blessed to get to experience this again!
Here is a picture of my belly at 27 weeks. Mali is getting less and less cooperative for these pictures!


  1. I'm sure pregnancy is so much more bearable and fun when you have the attitude that you do, and realize what a blessing it is. I hope that I will have an attitude like that. I will pray that you don't have true contractions and that things work out so that you can relax a little more.

  2. You are getting really close. How's the nursery coming? Did y'all pick out sheets yet?

  3. Leah...we did finally get bedding picked out, from Babies R Us. It was a good compromise. I love the sheet set. My mom is also going to make a baby blanket/quilt that is brown and pink (hobby lobby fabric). Now we just to start getting the nursery ready!

  4. It's so fun to keep up on your pregnancy over your blog. You're so cute! :-)
