Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fancy Nancy Syndrome

Mali has "officially" been diagnosed with "Fancy Nancy Syndrome". What is this? Well, according to Mali's preschool teacher it IS legit and occurs in 3 and 4 year old girls, where all they want to wear is tutus, dresses and skirts. The main criteria is that it must be mismatched (or matched in their young mind) and inappropriate for the current weather conditions! This is our Mali! The last few weeks have been a struggle every morning getting ready for the day. My requirements for her are that if she is going to wear a dress/skirt she has to wear tights and a sweater. It still turns out interesting. And, she strips down as soon as she gets home from wherever we've been and typically changes into dress up clothes. I think it bothers Eric more than me, but I do hate that she has so many nice, beautiful clothes that she won't wear!:( So, I was thrilled the other day when I got a Parent's magazine and there was a feature article on this issue. Finally I would know what to do! Their advice? Allow your child to wear whatever they want, childhood is short, let them enjoy it! So here are some pictures of her attire (actually in a fairly mild form) and a link to Fancy Nancy if you are curious about it!



  1. Fancy Nancy Syndrome huh? I've never heard of that. But it seems to fit perfectly. Those were some interesting outfits! :o) Maybe she will be less rebellious if she can have her way with the way she dresses?

  2. I'm afraid Kate is starting to come down with that syndrome... but the Parent's Magazine advice seems solid!

  3. One, Lily LOVES "Fancy Nancy" but isn't showing signs of wanting to dress much like her. Two, what is wrong when it's my 14 year old that has this "syndrome" you speak of?! Emma, Emma, Emma!
