Monday, May 5, 2008

Blessings of being a mom

I've been blessed a hundred times over since becoming a mom. Being a stay at home mom is one of the tremendous blessings that I receive. I can not imagine anything more wonderful than being able to teach Mali about life and to raise her. I am blessed! And beyond on that, that Eric tolerates and even appreciates me staying at home. I think being out of the home a few hours a week has given me an even deeper appreciation for my 'job'. I am blessed in so many more ways, from the first smile and coos to Mali's sweet words and hugs now. I can imagine the blessings only get deeper! This weekend we went to Lubbock for Katy (my cousin's baby shower, we are thrilled that God is expanding the amount of girls in the "White Family") and we got to visit our other friends and go to nine30. During Sunday school the kids shared with their teachers why "My mom should win the Mother of the Year..." Mali dictated the following to a teacher:
"She gives me gum, candy and toys. She let's me play with make-up. I love my mom because I love her."
I LOVE THIS, it is so sweet and precious, and so Mali. But I do need to clarify that we went and bought make-up for her to wear for pictures and for her recital, etc. She has it in her possession but does not wear it daily. Secondly, I'm not really sure I buy her gum and candy, that award mainly goes to Eric. For example, at Target today she was allowed to get Goldfish or pretzels (those are my kind of snacks). I think Mali actually listed the things she loves, but I'm thankful to be included in the list of gum, candy, toys, and makeup!!

Our Family Picture-March 27, 2008 by Brandon White


  1. That's alot sweeter than what Meredith said! She said I didn't like strawberries, because they were yucky (NOT TRUE!) That I bought her oranges at the store. And that her and her brother were not allowed to run in the house when they were playing. (True, but oh so harsh for a Mom of the Year paper in Sunday School!) It was great to see you for a second this weekend!

  2. That was cute! I think that being a stay at home mom would be one of the greatest blessings. Like you said, to be able to watch her grow and teach her new things would be just amazing. I'm so glad that you're able to only work a few hours a week. I'm sure the sacrifices you make are more than worth it! That was a great family pic!

  3. gum, candy and make-up --- my kind of girl!!!! :) miss you guys...
