Friday, May 16, 2008


The last week Mali has become very passionate, for lack of a better word, about the clothes that she wears. About a month ago she decided that all she would wear was dresses. So when the weather is cooler and dresses aren't an option, picking out clothes for the day has become very, very difficult. Yesterday she had a huge meltdown because she didn't want to wear a long sleeve dress or a short sleeve dress with a sweater (those were the choices that I gave her). She finally decided on a butterfly sweater that Conja wanted her to wear (On a side note: Conja is a make believe person, she usually pins bad behavior on this made up character who lives in Albuquerque. She doesn't play with a make believe friend, just refers to her, like today she said Conja likes your haircut, or Conja was ugly to her mommy, etc. Her other two "friends" are Concrete and Aleve. Hmmm...this all came about after we did all the work on our landscaping so I guess she heard Concrete and Aleve a few times those weekends.:) Might sound weird, but as a play therapist I think it is perfectly good and healthy that she is expressing her opinion safely through these characters.) So, back to the original post, I couldn't find the right butterfly shirt, but Mali finally found it. We then had to find pants that matched. I pulled out jeans and Mali flipped out (seriously) because they didn't match. I tried to explain to her 3 year old girly mind that jeans match everything. (I'm afraid she may be like her daddy in this area, because I think he's said the same thing to me.) She then wanted "soft" pants. I offered her black pants, again something I believe matches everything. Mali finally picked out soft, pink pants that in my opinion, did not match the purple butterfly shirt with no pink in it! Then came the shoes. She has the cutest casual pink and grey sneaker type shoes from Old Navy that I picked out for her, which of course "don't match". I pointed out the pink on the shoes and the pink in her pants and she agreed to it. SO, today we were just going to Wal-Mart so I gave her the opportunity to pick out her own outfit. She chose a halter type shirt, that is adorable but much more appropriate when it is not 62 degrees, gaucho pink pants, and red sparkly shoes. I asked her if these matched and she very confidently assured me that they do. So, I had to share my story of my high maintenance 3 year old. I love letting her express her personality, on most days at least, but I find the battle of clothes is becoming worse and more frequent. Didn't I just post a statement about her not being an opinionated tween??? I think she is a very opinionated toddler! We love her though. Here is her picture:

Another update on our lives, Eric got a summer job at the Tascosa Country Club mowing greens. Of course he gets free golf too and he loves the course. We are already dreaming of our summer evenings out on the golf course!

Recital weekend is upon us too, so I'm sure I will have tons of pictures and a post after this weekend has commenced. Dress rehearsal tomorrow and recital on Sunday, yeah!

1 comment:

  1. I completely understand! EVERY morning we deal with the same thing! I have started folding a top and pants/shorts together and putting them in her drawer. This way she is picking the outfit. We'll see how long that lasts!
