Thursday, May 22, 2008

Grandmother Deomi

Quilt 1: Unfinished quilt Quilt 2: This was my bedspread for a long time Quilt 3: Just recently given to me by grandma Laverne
This post is a little more open then what I usually post, but it was on my heart and I thought I'd feel better by blogging. My grandmother Deomi died of colon cancer when my dad was 14. I don't know a whole lot about her but have heard some stories from my dad and my Grandma Laverne (my dad's step-mom). According to what I know, she was a godly woman and loved the Lord. I'm so thankful for that heritage! She gave my dad a bible and encouraged him in missions. My Grandma Laverne told me a few stories about her recently and how as she was dying she had her three boys crawl up into bed with her and she taught them how to snap green beans and had them help her prepare vegetables to can so that they would have food when she died. My Grandma Laverne told me that when she moved in after marrying my Grandpa Red, that she had to throw so much away that was still left. I am amazed at my grandmother Deomi's thought of her sons, I'm not sure if I would have acted the same way. I have several of my Grandmother Deomi's quilts that she made. One of them is not finished and I've been working on trying to get it finished (but no one really wants to quilt it in fear that it will harm it). I sat on the floor today holding and looking at these quilts and just began to cry. Okay, so I think I just needed a good cry and this provided the opportunity. I just looked at the different scraps of material and wondered where they came from. Did they come from my dad and uncles old corduroy pants? Or my grandmother's old aprons? One quilt that I've had forever, and even survived the fire, has pink flower backing on it, and this thought is what set the crying off, "did she make this for a granddaughter one day?" Okay, so I'm on the brink of tears again...the reason I wonder this is because two of these are beautiful and very feminine quilts and she had three boys. However, Grandmother Deomi does have five granddaughters and two grandsons and who knows how many great granddaughters will be in her lineage. I feel blessed to have a part of her heritage and legacy in these beautiful quilts that her hands touched and her heart pieced together. Of course, I just had to share pictures too.

if you read this and have comments about Grandma Deomi, please leave them so that I can know more about her!

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