Monday, May 19, 2008

Seven Years

I just had to add a short little blog about our 7 year anniversary. 7 years really seems so long and I can not believe that 7 years ago we were married right now in Dalhart, TX. It is crazy. I can't even remember our lives without a child!!!! I was talking with a friend today about what we've done each year for our anniversary. So I will try and remember. We used to always re-watch our wedding video, but Eric isn't a big fan of that so we haven't done that in a few years.
6 year- I was on bedrest so it was not a good one really. My mom, Eric, me, and Mali all went to eat at O'Hanna's (Chinese food)
5 year- Eric and I went to the Levelland Sports Banquet. Yippee. Katy and Jeromy babysat (we really miss them as our babysitters, but Katy is on bedrest this year so it wouldn't help to be in Lubbock.). On the way to Levelland, we counted all of the dead prairie dogs on the side of the road. I can't remember how many there really were, a lot, it was weird. We then went to New York City in December as our anniversary gift to each other. Mali went with us.
4 year-Ummm. I can't really remember, Mali was a baby, so we probably had Katy and Jeromy babysit while we went out to eat in between nursing sessions. No photos of this one!:)
3 year-We went to Yellowstone National Park. We drove the whole way, stayed the night at each major hotel there and had a great last outing before baby. I was just a few months pregnant and threw up most of the time, couldn't do any hiking (I was on activity restriction) and generally just didn't eat. Eric had a great time. I remember most eating awesome rack of lamb with jalapeno mint sauce (I WAS pregnant) and Eric reading out loud the last chapter of Payne Stewart's biography and both of us crying.
2 year-Ummm. I don't think I can remember that one either, I might have to pull out the photo albums. After reviewing the photo album, it looks like we went to Dalhart for Jordan and Kisha's prom, and I remember Eric was gone maybe playing golf.
1 year-We ate our nasty cake that was saved from the wedding at some point. Eric went to the Colonial Golf Tournament in Dallas with his dad and dad's friend, Joe.
Honeymoon-We went to Yosemite National park. Our favorite thing was drinking coffee with the windows down in our rental car as we drove into the valley. We stayed at the Wawona and sat in white adirondack chairs on the big lawn each night and just enjoyed the mountains. It was beautiful. Maybe we'll return one day!!
So I guess remembering all but 2 years is pretty good. Actually, Eric and I both forgot about our anniversary this year. I remembered this morning, but we were both very unprepared. I think the flowerbeds, lilac bush, two new trees, and the covered patio are enough celebration for this anniversary.


  1. Happy Anniversary guys! Wow! I can't believe it's been seven years already! Times flies by! I remember your wedding day like it was only a few years ago. I hope you got to do something super fun to celebrate the big day! Congratulations! :o)

  2. Happy Anniversary, late! I loved reading about ya'lls time together. James and I will have been married 5 years this summer. I am going to start thinking now about our past anniverasries so I can copy your blog. I have until July.
