Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ballet Recital

So as to not leave any of you in suspense, Mali's dress rehearsal and ballet recital went wonderfully this weekend. She did a great job doing her dance and even went on stage both days. She didn't "ham" it up as much today during her actual recital because she couldn't see her MeeMee and Papa and Daddy in the audience, but she did a great job both days. Mali's Nana and Grandpa and me got to watch her dance on Saturday. Papa, MeeMee and Daddy came to watch Mali dance today while I was a backstage mom helping her class get out on the stage. Mali's class had 15 little girls dancing the Scottish Pooh dance. It was so fun to watch and Eric and I both got teary-eyed watching her dance. We feel so blessed to have her as our daughter and are so proud of her. We even had two compliments from random spectators. One dad said that he and his son LOVED watching Mali dance yesterday and today and laughed so hard at her. Here are some pictures from the weekend! I have been trying to upload the video of her doing her dance and will hopefully be able to post that soon.

Mali with her Grandpa and Nana, Mali and her Papa and MeeMee, Mali and Mommy and Daddy.
For more pictures click here


  1. I loooooove your hair, lady! We finally have our internet working again, our dish back up and running, and my brother is getting better from surgery. so, i need to call you! i am so happy mali did such a great job dancing.

  2. Thanks! I'm getting used to the hair! This year was a MUCH better recital, but I missed having you do her makeup!

  3. I was just telling a friend about Mali's recital last year! I'm glad this year went better!

  4. I'm glad the recital went so well and Mali had so much fun! The pictures were great! Your hair looks awesome, very stylish!

  5. She looks so cute! I love it! It brings back my dance recital days. I was in dance from 2 years until I was 13!! I was a chubby balerina, but my mom and mamaw made me do it anyway. I am glad the recital went well this year. ;)
