Monday, November 30, 2009

What can I learn?

Yesterday was a very cold, snowy day here in Amarillo. The wind was whipping through the city and the snow was falling down. Mali wanted to wear a dress (with short sleeves), no tights and flip flops to church. We had a huge battle over this. I'm not one to fight the clothing battle with her, probably evidenced in my pictures, and generally let her wear what she wants because at least she is getting dressed and doing it herself. But yesterday was an exception. For her protection and for her health, I would NOT let her go to church in that outfit. She fought me and fought me, and cried and cried, and whined and whined, and received punishment from me for her ugly attitude. During this battle, God showed me that this is exactly how I am. I fight Him and fight Him and He only wants to protect me. He sees the future and the big picture and knows what is best for me. All I have to do, is comply, submit, TRUST Him and obey. It is just like with Mali, it seemed so ridiculous that she couldn't see that it was cold and her clothing was inappropriate, she just had to trust me. I just need to trust God!

1 comment:

  1. So true...yet so hard for some reason?!? The lessons He teaches through raising kids are some of the ones that hit me the hardest! Thanks for the reminder!
