Monday, November 30, 2009

10 months old

Eleri is 10 months old. In this last month, Eleri has taken a few steps. In fact, last week, she took four steps. It seems that she will only "step" if she doesn't realize she is doing it. Eleri also loves to throw. She will sit with her sister and throw a ball back and forth! It is really cute to watch and Eleri gets so excited when she throws it. This game has been cute, and can occupy her as well as allow the sisters to safely play together. However, this means that Eleri also enjoys throwing other objects that I'm not as thrilled about. Primarily her pacifier, and typically thrown in the germiest place possible! Eric thinks that Eleri seems to have athlete potential. I hate to label at this young of an age, but Eric assures me that this is what he does for a living-notices potential. Eleri is still eating great, both nursing and table food. I feel blessed that I've been able to feed her this long! Eleri loves her table food, especially meat and vegetables. She is such a big girl. She weighed 19.7 lbs last Monday when I took her in. She is still so sweet and seems to be becoming more of a thinker. Eleri will try to plug in the plug in protectors. It really does seem like she will be more of analytical thinker. Eleri seems to be more quiet now or maybe Mali is just so loud!:) Here is a picture of Eleri from the cabin. Eleri also likes to knead my kneck or cheek or chest when she is nursing or cuddling. Eleri's favorite game is the naked baby game. The minute I get her diaper off of her and release her to put a new clean one on, she takes off crawling. She giggles and looks at me and crawls away super fast! This has made for several "accidents", but it is pretty cute nonetheless! Here is another recent picture of our sweet baby!


  1. They grow so fast, and it's so amazing how we think we have babies figured out in this world, and how we raise them in the same home, and they are so different....God's beauty is everywhere from the very start....children are such a great reminder to me.
