Friday, February 13, 2009

Two Weeks Old

Yesterday, Eleri was two weeks old! It really has flown by but at the same time I feel like we were just meeting her for the first time!:) At her two week pediatrician visit, Eleri weighed 7 lbs 10 oz which is nearly a gain of 1 lb since leaving the hospital. Her pedi was very proud of her and said she must be a "little piggy". She is a good eater that is for sure, at a small cost to my comfort, but we are thrilled that she gained so much weight. Her weight is in the 34th percentile and her height (21") is in the 75th percentile. Her head measured at 34cm, so still tiny. Mali's head size was similar and she was always in the 25th percentile on head. Every thing went well and Eleri is very healthy (even though Eleri pooped and I didn't have an extra diaper with me!!!!). I love our new pediatrician (and Mali will be able to get in to her soon too). The pedi said that she thought Eleri was going to have blue eyes just like her big sister!! Mali was thrilled to hear that and all day has told me different versions of how Eleri is going to look like her and not mommy and daddy. I'm so glad Mali is proud. She is moving around more and stretching her body out. She loves to stare at us and open her little mouth in cute expressions. Eleri is starting to babble a little too. I'm learning more and more about her each day, some lessons over and over again. I'm not sure I can't get it, but if she is fussy and not consolable, she is poopy! Every time! Her demeanor seems to be very sweet and content most of the time. She does seem to have a fussy period each night between 5-6 which has been hard to deal with. I'm usually trying to get Mali's to eat and eat myself while care for whatever ailment is causing the when Eric walks in the door around 7, it is always such a relief. Eric has enjoyed cuddling in his "Daddy chair" with both his girls almost every night this week. Mali is still doing amazingly well. We've had some fights for attention, but nothing horrible. Today I've been able to spend time playing Don't Spill the Beans and Chutes and Ladders with Mali and hopefully making deposits in her for attention from Mommy. My first outing was to her Valentine's Party on Wednesday. I left Eleri with a friend in her car in the parking lot while I went inside. Since then, and since I can drive now, we've had several outings and we've survived. I took both girls to BSA yesterday for Eleri's PKU test and to visit the lactation consultant, then we stopped at CVS to get a good deal on diapers, and then through the Burger King Drive thru to get "Crowns" for Mali. Today, we survived the trip to the pediatrician too. I'm doing pretty good. I'm really at the point of exhaustion though. Today, I was on Mali to put her shoes on, etc., so we could leave and she said to me "I think you're grumpy because you didn't get enough sleep." I replied that her statement was true, but just because I didn't get sleep doesn't mean I can act grumpy. We had a little bit of a rough night last night, and so I am tired and so wishing for a nap. Eleri is wide awake and Mali is napping. I have 30 minutes left before Mali gets up and probably right when Eleri will fall asleep. Needless to say, all I want for Valentine's Day is....a nap. I'm thankful that God has taught me that we will get through this and make it, but that I do need to rely on Him to sustain me every day and keep me from acting grumpy when I haven't had enough sleep!

Eleri's real first bath...with big was interesting. I think we will be doing separate baths from now on!

This isn't the best picture, but I thought it was a sweet moment captured of Eleri looking at her big sister:


  1. Get this girl a nap! I bet you are exhausted, but you sound like you are doing great! Running errands and all is a huge accomplishment. Way to go!

    So...what size is that outfit that Eleri's wearing? Annerson has that same outfit in a 3-6 and it is HUGE on her. She can't wear it yet because the pants fall off. Is that a newborn outfit? It looks bit on her, too.

    Thanks for the sweet updates. You are a super mom!!

  2. I am laughing at that smart figuring out you didn't get enough sleep :) Remember from Exodus that God will give you rest!

  3. Eleri is so beautiful. I can't wait to see her again. Hopefully the crud has left our house and we can come for a visit soon. I'll even let you take a nap!

  4. The pictures are darling! What beautiful girls. :-)

    Hope you get that much needed nap soon!

  5. The outfit is a 0-3 month. Eleri is still a little curled up, but is pushing 8 lbs!!!

    We would LOVE a visit from the Dallas family soon! And I'd take you up on that nap!:)

    Yeah for husbands! I got a nap this morning for about an hour. Maybe Sunday will be my day to catch up and maybe it will sustain me throughout the week!

  6. What cute pics! I'm so glad that Mali is doing so well and is so proud of her baby sister! That's cute that she wants Eleri to look like her. I'm so glad that you're doing well too!
