Thursday, February 26, 2009

Eleri is 4 weeks old

Eleri just "turned" 4 weeks old about 10 minutes ago. I really can't believe that she is this old. I'm trying hard to treasure her as a little baby and not rush the time until she grows up. Eleri is doing great. In celebration of turning 4 weeks old, she slept all night in her craddle and I didn't bring her to bed with me at all. Now, by all night, I mean in between feedings. She is getting up about 3 times a night to feed, which I don't anticipate ending anytime soon. She is a great eater though, and is fairly quick. If only I could get myself to be more disciplined at night. It has been hard to get up with her because she just stirs and makes noises and grunts around. Mali would scream, so I didn't have a choice. But God's sustaining power is getting me through the nights. If only I could take a nap more than once a week, I'd feel 100%. Back to Eleri, she loves her big sister. I'm not really sure how much you can tell from the videos below, but she stares and stares at Mali and looks for Mali. Eleri even moves her head towards Mali's voice instead of mine and Eric's if we are all talking. It is so sweet, and what I've looked forward to in having two girls, and what I've prayed for. Mali has started to call her "El, El" as her nickname. Eleri is spending a lot of time awake and just being a baby. We can see that she is turning into her own little person. In the sun, her hair is looking lighter and maybe as if it will be more red. With Eric's color hair, his mom's and each of our grandpa's having red hair, her chances look pretty good of having some shade of reddish hair. Eleri's disposition is still very sweet and loving. She loves to be held and snuggled still. We did find a pacifier that Eleri can hold in for the most part, and that has cut down on her fussiness, although she still sometimes fights having a pacifier, and last night preferred to go to sleep without it by just grunting until she got comfortable. We still think that Eleri is very sensitive. She hates a dirty diaper and is particular about her positioning and comfort. Mali continues to do great with her, but I think that Mali's tank of attention is running a little low. I feel like I'm always neglecting one other the other; I'm feeding Eleri and Mali needs something and I can't take care of it, and then I finish with Eleri and have to neglect her crying while I get Mali's lunch ready. And in the mean time I don't eat! All you mothers out there understand. But it is all so wonderful and special at the same time. I have a friend that keeps reminding me what a gift we've given Mali in having Eleri. We are starting to see the fruit! Even though days are tough (especially when Eric doesn't get home from soccer games until 2:30am), there is so much that is wonderful in it all too. I absolutely love Eleri's little smiles and it warms away all the sleepiness and grumpiness that I fight off. Overall, God has sustained me and has been so merciful to me!

Terry stopped by to see Eleri and took some great 4 week pictures:

My pictures of the month


  1. I'm so glad Eleri is doing so well, now if only she would sleep a little more during the night. But I guess it's just as important that she eat. I'm so proud of Mali, she looks like she's such a great big sissie and is so helpful and loves her baby sis so much! The video is super cute! Although it made me realize I've been pronouncing her name wrong all along, Sorry!!!

  2. What a beautiful baby! I miss keeping up with you guys, but I'm glad all is well with you.
