Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How we are fairing

The last 1 week and 5 days have been really great. We are adjusting to life with two girls. Eleri is doing great. So far she has been pretty easy. She loves to be held and cuddled, and stays happy as long as that is happening. Eleri loves cuddling in the crook of her Daddy's neck and loves hearing his voice when he comes home. We certainly are spoiling her and not as strict with her "nap time" as we were with Mali. Eleri hates having a wet/dirty diaper and even more than that hates having her diaper changed. She will scream at the top of her little lungs when she is getting changed. She has been doing great at night, sometimes going 3.5 to 4 hours between feedings. I'm usually up each time with her for about an hour with feeding, diaper changes and getting her back to sleep. Overall, she has been great at night, the last few nights at her 4am feedings she has wanted to stay awake and look around. Her eyes are so precious and alert, but I am exhausted at that point. (Which may in fact turn blue, we'll see). I've toughened up and am putting her back in her craddle instead of bringing her to bed, and she is doing great with that after a little bit of protest each time I lay her down. Eleri is attentive to her big sister's voice and loves when Mali sings to her, it always works to calm her down when she has had a diaper change. We are also pretty sure she has started smiling and ready to live up to the meaning of her name (cheerful). She "smiles" at Eric and Mali most often. Eleri has been really wonderful and such a precious addition to our family. Overall, I'm doing great too. My recovery has been 100x's easier than with Mali. I even mopped the living room floor today! I'm off my pain meds and feeling pretty good about that. Besides sleeping in two hour stretches, I feel really great and am so thankful when I get a little nap. I feel so blessed to have been given these beautiful girls and such a great family! Well, princess #2 is waking up to eat!

Can you see the "smile"?

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