Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One Day

Less than 24 hours from RIGHT NOW we will have a new baby girl! I just can't believe it is one day away. I've been really emotional today if I even think about Mali. Change is hard, but I'm also so excited for what it will teach Mali and how it will grow our family. I'm still nervous about the whole C-section, but trust God that He will take care of us. Eric is excited and says he feels really confident this time around. Mali is excited, and really excited to have all the visitors. My mom came in about 5am this morning and will be here until Monday. The other grandparents will meet us at the house tomorrow morning to be with Mali while we head up to BSA about 9:30am!! Please pray for us, and I will try and get a picture and details up as soon as I'm up to it!:)


  1. I have been thinking about you constantly today!! What an exciting place to be with one day until a new baby arrives!! I will be praying continually tomorrow for all who are involved to have God's hand on them as they come in contact with your family!!

  2. I'm so excited for you! We can't wait to meet sweet Eleri! Good luck!
