Monday, January 19, 2009

10 day forecast!

Today is 10 days until we have Eleri, unless she comes sooner, but I doubt that will happen. We are getting excited and just awaiting her arrival. Most all projects are done. Mali even said today that she is excited to see Baby Eleri. Eric will be in Lubbock all day tomorrow and San Angelo all day Saturday, so hopefully we avoid those days!:) We are ready, and excited, and await the single digit countdown!


  1. Wow, Eric sounds so busy!! That will be good that he will be around when she is born and for help afterwards! I can't believe 10 days already! I remember your 50 day count down!! Time flies!! Can't wait to see pics!

  2. Yea! I know you are so excited and READY! I can't wait to see your new baby girl. I'll be praying for all of you!

  3. Thanks Brittany. Yes, Soccer is brutal, maybe worse than football because they are gone so long. He is going to be out of town EVERY Saturday until Spring break, except for the Saturday after her birth (that is why we picked that day). It is crazy. So in reality, he won't be around, but we will make and God will faithfully care for us while Eric is gone. Time does fly, you will be there before you know it too. Can't wait to share her pictures with you guys.

  4. Wow! How exciting! Only ten more days! Actually, less than that now! Are you feeling ready and prepared? I'm sure physically your body is!
