Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Last OB visit-39 weeks

Today was my last OB really made it a reality. We are in the single digits...(8 days). I couldn't help but smile knowing that in one week Eleri will be here. Everything continued to look great. Her heart beat was 156 which was good. She has slowed down moving quite a bit, but since her heart rate was so good, it is probably for lack of room. I really feel confident that it is okay for her to come anytime now. One thing I wasn't thrilled about with the C-section, but having her before she was "ready", but she seems ready to me. I'm doing good too, I started "retaining fluid" in other words getting fat and swollen, which is not fun, but at least I can see the end of the tunnel. I had my OB check to see Eleri's position, and she isn't low in my pelvis, which some what means she isn't going to come today. The only reason we were curious is because Eric leaves early Saturday morning and returns late Saturday night for another soccer game. Mali seems to be doing good and getting as excited as she knows how to be and can comprehend. This morning she talked about how there are two mommies and daddies and two dogs and two children, so we talked about how everyone has a partner. After my very quick appointment, that Mali got to attend:), we went to the park to play (Now that we've lived in Amarillo nearly 2 years, I know to refer to it as MediPark), Mali was teaching two other girls how to swing and was being very "big sister-ish". That is really the first time I've seen her that way with other girls. It gave me confidence that she is ready too. I'm not naive in thinking we won't have struggles, but I'm very hopeful. Eric is getting really excited too. We both look forward to "meeting" Eleri and seeing what she looks like. I'm thinking of how wonderful it will be to hold her in my arms and get to know her little personality. I know that this time around I will treasure some of those holding moments a little more than I did with Mali. It will all be an adjustment, but I'm confident that Eleri's birth will bring so many wonderful things. Keep me in your prayers, I am getting nervous about the C-section; the pain the grogginess, etc., etc.. but I also feel peace that it will turn out just fine and we will get through it. We are ready, as ready as we can be, projects are done (of course the EVERY day/hour picking up, unloading the dishwasher, etc., still needs to be done) but we are just enjoying our days until we have a new addition to our family.


  1. It's going to be great! I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to meet sweet Eleri!

  2. I hope you have an awesome last week! Sorry you are retaining water. It's almost over!

  3. Wow! You're so close! And Mali seems like she's ready to be a great helper! Enjoy the last several days!

    I've been using regular lotion all over my body, but maybe I'll prepare with the stretch mark specific. Thanks for your advice and congrats again on no stretch marks!!!
