I just got back from my 38 week appointment. I'm exhausted!! Today has just been one of those days when my body feels soooo tired and worn down and uncomfortable, but I'm trying to remind myself that new discomforts come with the birth of a baby and so I'm trying not to rush it, but I have to admit several times a day I'm wishing she would just make her arrival! Anyway, on to the update. I had a sonogram to check and see Eleri's position, and lo and behold she is no longer breech. However, Eric and I believe that God still answered my prayers and that the C-section is the way to go. If I go into labor, we will go from there, but for now we are still on schedule for noon on January 29th. Eric and I will have to be there about 9:30am on that day, not too bad. Eleri looked great. Her heart rate was 145 and she measured a little small, but still within normal limits. The sonogram estimated that she weighs about 6lbs 9 ounces right now, which seems about right. Mali was 7lbs 9 ounces at birth. I can't remember exactly, but I think babies gain 1lb a week, so she will be pretty close to the same size as Mali if that holds true. Who knows though! I'm getting excited to see her and hold her in my arms and just see what she looks like. I know she will be wonderful and precious and we will love her to death, just like we do Mali. I pre-registered at Labor and Delivery yesterday which makes it all the more real. One "exciting" thing that I found out was that after my c-section, once Eleri is done in the nursery, they will bring her to me in recovery so I can nurse her. I didn't get to see Mali for several hours after I had her and was pretty loopy and out of it with all the difficulty of the delivery last time, so I'm thrilled at the possibility that they will bring Eleri to me. Also, Eric gets to come back to recovery after he takes Eleri to the nursery. That all makes me feel better, that we can all be together and then make our entrance into the room and have everyone meet her. I really am excited, and trying to be patient because I know I will never get the moments I have now back. I have a lot of my crazy list accomplished:
Big Sister shirt made for Mali (which she helped with, so when you see pictures keep that in mind).
Tutus made for both girls (I'm hoping to do pictures of them in them together and knew I wouldn't have time after her birth to do this.)
Tax information mostly collected and organized
Maternity clothes labeled and sorted to go to friends and Jordan's wife
House cleaned x 7 (that means every day I'm trying to clean it, don't look at it today, I'm so tired and haven't been home).
Eleri's clothes washed, sorted, put away and hung.
Eleri's bag packed
My bag half packed
Three meals made and put up in the freezer
Finished reading "The Shack" (maybe last book for a while)
Present bought and wrapped for Eleri to "give" Mali after she is born
Little gifts bought for Mali that will occupy her time while I'm nursing
I still have to or would like to get my car completely cleaned out, assemble a "nursing basket" of some sort for Mali to have things when I'm nursing, finish up the loose ends of the previous projects, go the dermatologist on Tuesday and take Mali to her first ballet/tap class on January 26th...other than that we are ready, or somewhat. Poor Eric has a few projects (garage door, trash, taking my play therapy toys to the attic and all those manly things I need help with), but other than that we are patiently waiting her arrival! Eric does go out of town the next two Saturdays again, so please be in prayer for us that I don't go into labor, although I do trust God and have peace that her birth is all in His hands.