Friday, January 30, 2009

First Family Picture

Our First (Expanded) Family Picture


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Eleri Cate Gomez

Eleri Cate was born today at 12:20 p.m. She was 7 pounds and 3 ounces. 19 inches tall. We cant tell who she looks like yet but, we do know, she has curly dark hair and chubby cheeks. She is nursing like a champ. We had "latch-on" the very first time and have been successful so far. Mali had a chance to hold her and was really cautious about what to think. She has yet to give her little sister a kiss.....she is just not sure yet, but is doing great!! Brie is having a little trouble with nausea, but is doing 100x better than the last time. As for me, I will just have to prepare myself for a life of "girls nights".

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One Day

Less than 24 hours from RIGHT NOW we will have a new baby girl! I just can't believe it is one day away. I've been really emotional today if I even think about Mali. Change is hard, but I'm also so excited for what it will teach Mali and how it will grow our family. I'm still nervous about the whole C-section, but trust God that He will take care of us. Eric is excited and says he feels really confident this time around. Mali is excited, and really excited to have all the visitors. My mom came in about 5am this morning and will be here until Monday. The other grandparents will meet us at the house tomorrow morning to be with Mali while we head up to BSA about 9:30am!! Please pray for us, and I will try and get a picture and details up as soon as I'm up to it!:)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Last Belly Picture

Here is the last picture of the growing belly! I can not believe we are 3 days away from Eleri's arrival! We are all getting excited, although last night when contractions were waking me up, I was not ready...since we've made it this far I'd prefer she just wait until the scheduled c-section!:) I'm excited though, a little bit in denial! Right now I'm more worried about Mali and having all of the details arranged for her, which of course I can't do. I'm learning some more about allowing God to be in control of Mali while I can't be, because she is His anyway and I'm sure His plans are MUCH better for her than mine! We also been provided for and blessed immensely. One of my friends (and technically boss) brought us two frozen meals today and another friend's Sunday School class adopted us and will be providing us meals! Thank you God for working out provision and care for us. I was worried about some of this things, but knew God would provide, just didn't know how. God always has been faithful to us and provided for us, we are so blessed to have a Father that cares so much for us. Mali seems to be excited too. Today she was fascinated with one of her friend's new baby brother when he cried and was waving to him and smiling at him trying to make him not cry. I'm proud of who she is becoming. We will have issues, but I think she will do great in other ways too. Yesterday she told me, when Eleri gets big we can sing really loud in my room together. We talked about how Eleri is her own friend that gets to live with her. That made her happy, although it may be a while before that is totally true. Mali also announced to me that she is going to be a doctor when she grows up, just wanted to get that in "writing"!:) She has enjoyed doctoring her sick stuffed animals and caring for her bears (this is GREATLY therapeutic for her as we go through this). Mali did start crying earlier because she didn't want them to cut my tummy (we've talked about how she was born and told her about how Eleri will be born), but I reassured her that I would have lots of medicine that would help me not to feel it or hurt (hopefully that is truthful:)). Anyway, enjoy the last picture. Hopefully I can convince someone to update the blog after she is born, shortly after 12pm on Thursday January 29th!!!!! Also, Eric will have a soccer game and baseball tryouts on Saturday, so if I haven't been discharged, I might enjoy some visitors that day!:)

Lady and the Tramp Effect

So yesterday was a wonderful day, because we moved the dogs outside to live! I feel so much relief and no guilt what-so-ever. It is kind of like the storyline of Lady and the Tramp, baby comes dogs move out! They have a nice log cabin dog house to share and each have their own personal heating pad. Of course we did this when it decided it to snow and 20 degrees outside, but they seem to be doing fine. There was very little barking last night, none from Asa and a few times for Aspen, so we slept and peace and the best thing was waking up and not have to clean up Aspen's poop or pee from inside the laundry room...yeah!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Last OB visit-39 weeks

Today was my last OB really made it a reality. We are in the single digits...(8 days). I couldn't help but smile knowing that in one week Eleri will be here. Everything continued to look great. Her heart beat was 156 which was good. She has slowed down moving quite a bit, but since her heart rate was so good, it is probably for lack of room. I really feel confident that it is okay for her to come anytime now. One thing I wasn't thrilled about with the C-section, but having her before she was "ready", but she seems ready to me. I'm doing good too, I started "retaining fluid" in other words getting fat and swollen, which is not fun, but at least I can see the end of the tunnel. I had my OB check to see Eleri's position, and she isn't low in my pelvis, which some what means she isn't going to come today. The only reason we were curious is because Eric leaves early Saturday morning and returns late Saturday night for another soccer game. Mali seems to be doing good and getting as excited as she knows how to be and can comprehend. This morning she talked about how there are two mommies and daddies and two dogs and two children, so we talked about how everyone has a partner. After my very quick appointment, that Mali got to attend:), we went to the park to play (Now that we've lived in Amarillo nearly 2 years, I know to refer to it as MediPark), Mali was teaching two other girls how to swing and was being very "big sister-ish". That is really the first time I've seen her that way with other girls. It gave me confidence that she is ready too. I'm not naive in thinking we won't have struggles, but I'm very hopeful. Eric is getting really excited too. We both look forward to "meeting" Eleri and seeing what she looks like. I'm thinking of how wonderful it will be to hold her in my arms and get to know her little personality. I know that this time around I will treasure some of those holding moments a little more than I did with Mali. It will all be an adjustment, but I'm confident that Eleri's birth will bring so many wonderful things. Keep me in your prayers, I am getting nervous about the C-section; the pain the grogginess, etc., etc.. but I also feel peace that it will turn out just fine and we will get through it. We are ready, as ready as we can be, projects are done (of course the EVERY day/hour picking up, unloading the dishwasher, etc., still needs to be done) but we are just enjoying our days until we have a new addition to our family.

Monday, January 19, 2009

10 day forecast!

Today is 10 days until we have Eleri, unless she comes sooner, but I doubt that will happen. We are getting excited and just awaiting her arrival. Most all projects are done. Mali even said today that she is excited to see Baby Eleri. Eric will be in Lubbock all day tomorrow and San Angelo all day Saturday, so hopefully we avoid those days!:) We are ready, and excited, and await the single digit countdown!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Law of Pediatricians

Not sure this is a law, but it always seems to be in our case. The law: you WILL go and pay your co-pay and your child will not be sick, but will become sick within the week and you will have to go again and pay another co-pay!!
So, Monday I took Mali to the pediatrician. She had a cough and we were concerned about letting it go and her coming down with bronchitis again, or worse. It was really supposed to be a follow up appointment for all the sickness before, but she was exhibiting some symptoms, and lots of drainage too. But, nothing. I was so frustrated because we were, by all looks of it, the only patient and we waited an hour to see the doctor, in the room. I really think that is my pet peeve, do they realize how hard it is to be stuck in a tiny, germ infested room with a four year old during what should be nap time??? Anyway, she checked out fine according to our pedi (we are switching when Eleri is born by the way). Then, last night/am at 12:45am Mali is up crying on and off for an hour saying her ear hurts (same ear that had the infection last time), so I took her to a clinic in United. AND, she has an ear infection!!! It is so frustrating to have wasted the co-pay money at the beginning of the week, and our time, so I just had to vent. But I'm thankful that we only waited 20 minutes to be seen at the clinic, it was quick, concise and then we got to have chocolate chip muffins and decaf coffee while we waited for her prescription AND she is being treated and will hopefully be better before Eleri arrives!:) Oh well, is all you can say, and be thankful that God has made provisions for us to be able to pay for all of this!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

38 week update

I just got back from my 38 week appointment. I'm exhausted!! Today has just been one of those days when my body feels soooo tired and worn down and uncomfortable, but I'm trying to remind myself that new discomforts come with the birth of a baby and so I'm trying not to rush it, but I have to admit several times a day I'm wishing she would just make her arrival! Anyway, on to the update. I had a sonogram to check and see Eleri's position, and lo and behold she is no longer breech. However, Eric and I believe that God still answered my prayers and that the C-section is the way to go. If I go into labor, we will go from there, but for now we are still on schedule for noon on January 29th. Eric and I will have to be there about 9:30am on that day, not too bad. Eleri looked great. Her heart rate was 145 and she measured a little small, but still within normal limits. The sonogram estimated that she weighs about 6lbs 9 ounces right now, which seems about right. Mali was 7lbs 9 ounces at birth. I can't remember exactly, but I think babies gain 1lb a week, so she will be pretty close to the same size as Mali if that holds true. Who knows though! I'm getting excited to see her and hold her in my arms and just see what she looks like. I know she will be wonderful and precious and we will love her to death, just like we do Mali. I pre-registered at Labor and Delivery yesterday which makes it all the more real. One "exciting" thing that I found out was that after my c-section, once Eleri is done in the nursery, they will bring her to me in recovery so I can nurse her. I didn't get to see Mali for several hours after I had her and was pretty loopy and out of it with all the difficulty of the delivery last time, so I'm thrilled at the possibility that they will bring Eleri to me. Also, Eric gets to come back to recovery after he takes Eleri to the nursery. That all makes me feel better, that we can all be together and then make our entrance into the room and have everyone meet her. I really am excited, and trying to be patient because I know I will never get the moments I have now back. I have a lot of my crazy list accomplished:
Big Sister shirt made for Mali (which she helped with, so when you see pictures keep that in mind).
Tutus made for both girls (I'm hoping to do pictures of them in them together and knew I wouldn't have time after her birth to do this.)
Tax information mostly collected and organized
Maternity clothes labeled and sorted to go to friends and Jordan's wife
House cleaned x 7 (that means every day I'm trying to clean it, don't look at it today, I'm so tired and haven't been home).
Eleri's clothes washed, sorted, put away and hung.
Eleri's bag packed
My bag half packed
Three meals made and put up in the freezer
Finished reading "The Shack" (maybe last book for a while)
Present bought and wrapped for Eleri to "give" Mali after she is born
Little gifts bought for Mali that will occupy her time while I'm nursing

I still have to or would like to get my car completely cleaned out, assemble a "nursing basket" of some sort for Mali to have things when I'm nursing, finish up the loose ends of the previous projects, go the dermatologist on Tuesday and take Mali to her first ballet/tap class on January 26th...other than that we are ready, or somewhat. Poor Eric has a few projects (garage door, trash, taking my play therapy toys to the attic and all those manly things I need help with), but other than that we are patiently waiting her arrival! Eric does go out of town the next two Saturdays again, so please be in prayer for us that I don't go into labor, although I do trust God and have peace that her birth is all in His hands.


Carschooling-"the act of teaching while driving in the car, similar to homeschooling, but for those on the go." We have had several car schooling moments the last few days and I just had to share how smart our little/big girl is!! There must be something therapeutic about the moving car that, on occasion, can really get those brain cells going. Yesterday, we were on the way to Eric's soccer practice and I was talking with Mali about something like "you can do that if you want". And she exclaims "You put that in the can and I can go to Daddy's work. They are the same." So we talked about that. Then a few minutes later she said "And, you say no I don't want to do that and I know." I was so proud! I tried to throw in "Apples are red and I read Pinkalicious to you", but she wasn't quite ready for that one. Last night after teeth brushing time she said, "Mommy. Gum that you eat and my gum" (Yes, Mali does eat gum, that is the most accurate description of what she does with gum!). Then today she added "Mommy! I see you and I write a C". I know that there is a grammatical word for what these are, but I just can't think of it. I'm just amazed at her little brain. I asked her where she learned this and she said "I just figured it out." Also, the other night we were driving to pick Eric up from his soccer tournament and the moon was full (the largest full moon of the year) and she proudly said "the men got a ladder and climbed up there and put the batteries in and that is why it turned on." I love the childlike answers that she comes up with! We talk a lot about God and the world He created too, she is just so curious it is wonderful, but usually does not like the answers I give just the ones she came up with! Just wanted to share about our big girl. She is doing really great these last few weeks too. She loves playing with her dollhouse and her bears. She especially likes to dress them up and take them EVERYWHERE with us, and not just one but about 5. I'm letting her because I believe it is her way to play out all the changes that are going to occur in her life, and if she can mother/nurture a bear while we are caring for Eleri, all the better!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A little emotional

I wanted to wait until tomorrow to post, as I have a doctor's appointment, but felt that the emotions I'm feeling needed to come out...I needed to vent so that I don't spend all night crying. Nothing is wrong, everything is great, it is just super close to life changing. I'm sad thinking about Mali and that I'm on the threshold of no more moments with just her, I'm sad thinking about the times I've snapped at her in the last 9 months and more recent days/weeks. I'm tearful (in a happy way) at the sweet sweet moments that God has given me with Mali in the last few weeks; sitting and reading books again and again, cuddling as we watch Jon and Kate Plus 8, talking about when Mali was a baby, bubble baths consisting of "snowball fights", hearing her laugh when I tickle her (when I actually take the time). I'm nervous, okay a little scared, about having the c-section and all the unknowns, although I have perfect peace that God is going to hold me and take care of me. I feel like crying over all the relationships in my life, some in a good way and some in a sad way. I miss my brother, who is in Nepal for a month, and really wanted to pick up the phone and call him last night. I want to cry each time Eric leaves town, because I need him and his daughters need him. He is THE man (the only male) in our household and we need his strength and love. I'm sad that I'm done counseling but also happy and relieved that today was the last day that I had to leave Mali in less than ideal circumstances to come work (she is lying on a soccer field on a picnic blanket, bundled up and watching her portable DVD player while Eric holds soccer practice). All of these things make me want to cry. It doesn't help that I just listened to one of my favorite hymns. What makes me want to cry the most is thinking of the words to this hymn, and what God has done for me in my life. How He rescued me from a yucky life and took me as His own. Even though my heart is prone to wander, and not trust in His provisions or His good plan, He STILL loves me, more than anyone and better than anyone EVER has! He forgives me when I'm a bad mom, when I cry out to Him for help and confess that I yelled at Mali for such a silly reason. He loves me and he loves my girls and He is going to get us through this, and not just surviving but living an abundant life!
So long post to say, here is a video of the David Crowder Band singing "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing"...the lyrics are on the video too, so read them!:)
And I end, crying, but crying out "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing...."

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Little hand on the 3

Thinking that I would be a great mother and teach my daughter basics of telling time, I put a clock in her room. Nap time has been an issue ever since we moved to Amarillo and has gone through many phases, so with the baby coming and me wanting Mali to at least stay in her room for a good amount of time (1 1/2 hours right now), I showed her that on the clock when the little hand goes to the 3 nap time is over! Well, it has backfired completely! Previously, she might come out at 2:45 and I would send her back in with a battle, tears and threats of discipline, but sometimes on really great days, she would stay in her room until 3:30 or 4:00. The past two days (including now) she has run into my room and shouted "the little hand is on the 3!" and is ready to go, whether mommy is or not. Eric laughed and said that she is probably watching the clock the whole time! But she can sort of tell time, I guess that is the up side!:)

The LORD is near

Exactly three weeks from today, we will have a newborn. I hope that at this time then I will be holding her and out of recovery! It is amazing to think, I can't quite fathom it right now...three weeks....THREE WEEKS....three weeks!:) I just had to share what God showed me today during Bible Study. We are studying Exodus/The Life of Moses. Exodus 33:14-15 were verses we studied this week and oh how appropriate!! That is so how God works in my life and how much of a personal God He is!
"And He (GOD) said "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest". Wow!!! I NEEDED to hear that! Yesterday, Mali came out of her room from nap time/room time twice to have me help her dress a doll. I thought "how am I going to do this when I NEED nap time". God gave me an answer!:) Then Moses' response was "If your presence does not go with us, do not lead us up from here." I feel the same way and need to cry out to God the same thing....If You don't go with me, I don't want to enter into this new chapter of parenting/life. It was a great reminder to lean on God and rely on Him. The verse that the kids were taught today was Psalm 145:18 "The LORD is near to all who call on him". You better believe I will be calling on Him!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Today was the beginning of my weekly visits and it was very uneventful. I was prepared for something, but nothing! Which, no news is really good news. Apparently if you are a repeat c-section, my OB does not even check to see if you are dilated. So we listened to Eleri's heart beat (154) and measured me. I'm right on target, which is great because I was measuring behind about a week. I never found anyone that was able to donate blood in my name, but my OB seems to think I won't loose as much blood this time since I won't labor first. Really, I feel a peace about it and know that ultimately God is the one in control of all of this. I've tried exerting control over the circumstances I think I can control (Blood donors, knowing if I'm dilated,etc.) but God clearly wants me to trust Him in these matters! I'm feeling pretty good, just big and tired, but trying to be patient and enjoy the moments that I have left before life gets more complicated, although more wonderful. I am a little nervous with Eric's soccer schedule. This weekend he is going to be in Coppell (Dallas area) on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. I NEED him to be here for a c-section, but another area to trust God. Our tentative plan is that if he needs to come home, he will try and get a flight home as Coppell is pretty close to DFW, and flying would be quicker than driving. If I go into labor and then have a c-section, I think Megan will go in there with me as she is the closest relative and most experienced in the OR anyway (for her job). I know it will all work out and is highly unlikely that anything happens this weekend, but my pregnancy state NEEDS a plan!
The list of to-do's is trickling down too. Eric was an awesome dad this weekend and pulled out all that we need from the attic. He found a missing box of 0-3 month clothes for me (which helped ease some anxiety) and got down the swing, bouncy seat and car seat base. He even put the car seat base in the car. I wasn't quite ready for that, but better to be prepared. I was just thankful that he did so much so willingly. So, her clothes are washed and her room is ready, we are just waiting on her on that end. I was amazed at the memories that we have of Mali in most all of the outfits I washed. Those first 3 months are certainly priceless and special, maybe that is what gets you through the difficulty of the first three months!! I still have some of my own little projects to work on. Today Mali and I made her "Big Sister" shirt together so Mali is ready for the hospital trip!:) And in the middle of all the hectic-ness, we've decided it is a good time to refinance our house! Are we crazy!!! I think so, but it will help us have the extra monthly income for diapers and pediatrician co-pays that come along with a newborn!
Mali seems to be doing well and understanding a little more. We've had more talks about how she is going to have to ride in a separate car to the hospital and that one set of grandparents will be staying with her while we stay at the hospital. She is having some issues, okay major issues, with being sassy and disrespectful to us. I'm a little overwhelmed with how to curb it. I asked her preschool teacher about it today and her teacher said that when she calls Mali on it, Mali usually says sorry, but did say today "I want to be the teacher one day". We laughed at Mali's personality being so strong willed and independent. She just thinks, I mean "knows" she is right!:) It is good to laugh about it, because lately I've just wanted to cry about it! Eric and I joked last night that maybe dealing with Mali's behavior right now will make having a newborn seem easy! I'm looking forward to watching Eleri's personality, because we can look back and see how as even a newborn Mali was pieces of who she is now; stubborn, high maintenance and strong willed! But we loved her so much and still love her! I'm excited for what God is going to do with our family!