Tuesday, December 30, 2008

36 weeks

I'm not exactly sure where I am, a little short of 36 weeks, but by date I have a month to go so thought I better take and post the latest belly picture! We are hanging in there, just trying to get our never ending to-do list and project list widdled down before Eleri makes her arrival. I feel stressed and overwhelmed at this point, but at the same time and relieved to know that if she comes she comes and she will be healthy! It is pretty clear I've gotten bigger (watch the slideshow if you have to see it to believe it!!), I'm wondering how big that will make me at 40 weeks!!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

We survived, and no baby yet! I'm thankful to have made it through Christmas! Our Christmas was really great and a little less hectic than usual, besides packing up all of Mali's toys to go from house to house. Mali did great and was appreciative, for the most part. Mail's top gifts: Princess Aurora Vanity and Cash register from Mimi and Papa, Barbie guitar from Auntie Kisha, Amercian Girl doll and princess dolls from Grandpa and Nana, Tinkerbell DVD from Aunt Megan and Uncle Chris (and she was thrilled to have 2 easy bake ovens!!!), and babydoll from Uncle Jordan's family. Mali also enjoyed her Polly Pockets from Grammie (and a present to come later) and her laptop computer and plush ice cream set from us. We had a fun Family Christmas...eating Rosa's on the floor, watching Elf, warming by the fire, and opening our presents from each other. Mali only gets 3 presents from us just like Baby Jesus got three presents. Of course this is not an all inclusive list. Mali's was blessed and spoiled with many wonderful things. She got lots of cute cute clothes but has enjoyed the toys more! It was a good Christmas and we are thankful that Jesus was born so that we can celebrate this day...now on to the upcoming celebration of our baby's birth!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

O Holy Night

After hearing this carol all Christmas season, I just had to post the lyrics. Even though it is often a joke (I still remember Justin Cofield singing this like the guy at Carol of Lights my first Ninethirty Christmas party), the words are so amazing and so true of what Christmas is really about. Enjoy reading them and Merry Christmas!
O holy night! The stars are brightly shining,
It is the night of our dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
'Til He appear'd and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! O, hear the angels' voices!
O night divine, O night when Christ was born;
O night divine, O night, O night Divine.
Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming,
Here come the wise men from Orient land.
The King of Kings lay thus in lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our friend.
He knows our need, to our weakness is no stranger,
Behold your King! Before Him lowly bend!
Behold your King, Behold your King.
Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother;
And in His name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! O praise His Name forever,
His power and glory evermore proclaim.
His power and glory evermore proclaim.

O! Holy night! The stars, their gleams prolonging,
Watch o'er the Eve of our dear Saviour's birth.
Long lay the world in sin and error, longing
For His appearance, then the Spirit felt its worth.
A thrill of hope; the weary world rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees! O, hear the angel voices!
O night divine, the night when Christ was Born;
O night, O holy night, O night divine!
Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts we stand by the Babe adored.
O'er the world a star is sweetly gleaming,
And come now, Shepherds, from your flocks unboard.
The Son of God lay thus w'thin lowly manger;
In all our trials born to be our Lord.
He knows our need, our weakness never lasting,
Behold your King! By Him, let Earth accord!
Behold your King! By Him, let Earth accord!
Truly He taught us to love one another,
His law is love and His gospel is peace.
Long live His truth, and may it last forever,
For in His name all discordant noise shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
With all our hearts we praise His holy name.
Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we,
His power and glory ever more proclaim!
His power and glory ever more proclaim!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Eleri's nursery

We spent yesterday getting Eleri's room ready and I just had to share how it turned out. Eric (with some "help" from Mali) painted and then we all put together the crib and bedding. It is not 100% ready, but it is there. I think Eric feels better and he did a great job, I'm very thankful that he cares so much and did all of this. I don't feel any relief, I guess I just have too many other projects to do around the house! But it does look great, and makes it some more of a reality! At any rate, she has a bed to sleep in (I still need to wash the sheets with Dreft though).:) Mali had a great time helping and even brought several of her stuffed animals into the room for baby Eleri. Watching her excitement was great and that was a relief! Eric wants to add Eleri's date of birth on the wall with painted numbers and we have a few pictures to hang and some arranging to do, but other than that it is done!:)

Friday, December 19, 2008

Breech, Bronchitis, Breathing Treatments, and Brownies

That alliteration sums up our day yesterday! I had my 34 week appointment and sonogram yesterday. Eleri is still breech (no surprise there) and the c-section is scheduled for 12pm on Thursday January 29th. Everything looked great with her and me. She is still measuring a little small, but only about a week behind, which is no big deal to the doctor. Maybe a small baby, maybe not, we will wait patiently to see. I'm again feeling overwhelmed with all that is needing to be done before her arrival and have lost silly amount of sleep thinking about how little time we have left! Eric is going to spend his break working on her room, so maybe that will help us feel more prepared!
After my appointment, we took Mali to her pediatrician. Wednesday night she told Eric her ear was hurting. After a miserable waiting room experience, we finally got in. I was almost sure that it was going to be one of those "nothing's wrong" diagnosis. She hasn't acted like she feels bad, hasn't run fever, or any other sign of anything besides a runny nose and cough. And after her Christmas preschool party, she looked just like every other kid sitting on the table with a red upper lip and scratchy voice. So, to cut to the chase, Diagnosis #1-Bronchitis and apparently her lungs sounded really bad to the doctor. The doctor said she typically only diagnosis 2 cases of bronchitis a year (meaning to her it is rare because the bronchi don't develop until age 4). Diagnosis #2-Very bad ear infection in her left ear!!! Diagnosis #3-UTI! So this girl is on two antibiotics and one steroid. We have to give her breathing treatments every three hours and had to do in three times last night (I guess another preparation for a new baby!) Eric and I did take turns though. I think tonight will be our last night of doing it in the middle of the night, but it has to happen every three hours. It breaks my heart, and I started crying last night because it wakes her up and it is just miserable for her! I know that many of you have had to go through this already, so I don't need sympathy, just to vent! I'm thankful that this is our first experience with breathing treatments. Other than all the treatments and meds, Mali is acting fine (if not a little ornery). Last night I took a video of her jumping on her mini trampoline and then onto the couch. (the video won't upload). She did that all night. She's also been riding her scooter around on the woods floors and just playing like nothing is wrong! Just wanted to update everyone on our crazy life. Oh, and she gets brownies after every day time treatment!:) I'm very thankful for Daddy's intuition that took us to the doctor to begin with!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Merry Christmas

With nine days to go until Christmas, the presents are all bought, wrapped and under the tree!! We are looking forward to our annual Christmas traditions and I'm anxious to make it through the holiday! Merry Christmas to Everyone!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

God Made Good Things

Those of you that know Mali will laugh at this! On her birthday, Calyn and Zach Dallas went to church with Mali and they made these cards. I was cleaning up, and about to throw away Calyn's that I found, until I found Mali's and just started cracking up laughing! It is so funny to see their perspective on things. I can't comment much on Calyn's, but Mali is obsessed with candy/chocolate! It was funny to see them together that they really did get to choose what they thought was good that God made! I just had to share this! (Thanks Tim and Beth for letting me publish your daughter's Sunday School work!)

Nutcracker 2008

Mali and I were able to go see The Nutcracker again this year. It was really fun to watch Mali's excitement. She talked through the whole thing, I'm sure the people behind us loved that! She would ask where Clara was, where they disappeared the Nutcracker too, etc., etc., Afterwards they had a meet the dancers time for the children. Mali got hugs and pictures with Emma and Hanna Green (Emma is Clara and Hanna is a Tumbling baffoon) plus some other princesses/ballerinas! She was very excited. She wanted to see the Sugar Plum Fairy, but we didn't get a picture with her. We also ran into the Trooks, which was great, because Mali finally took a picture by a wooden Nutcracker with Meredith!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

50 days

I thought today was a blog worthy occasion, being that it is now 50 days until Eleri's scheduled birthdate. I'm still processing (or ignoring) the idea of it all, so I don't have much to write. I feel so overwhelmed with simple little projects that need to be done; Christmas cards sent out, pictures put up in photo albums, linen closet organized, Mali's closet organized, DVD/video storage space organized/cleaned out, Eleri's bookcase organized and made to look nice, plus everything that needs to be done to Eleri's room. This is my list of silly little things that I want done before she comes. However, daily tasks like unloading the dishwasher, staying on Mali to clean her room (which is currently in major disaster mode and I obviously haven't stayed on her today or yesterday for that matter), nap time (have I mentioned I've been sick this week, uugh, nap has been a must to recover). I'm also counting my time with Mali as precious. I'm trying to be wise with the last (50) days that we have left, just her and I. I know life will change so unimaginably (both good and bad), but I want to be intentional with the time I have left. This has made me cry the past few days as the day approaches. I realize what we've had is special, and will change forever. On the flip side, I'm very excited to meet Eleri and see what she looks like. I look forward to seeing how this will shape Mali for the better. I'm thrilled at having two girls and watching a sister relationship develop. Eric is also very excited to meet Eleri. So, I ended writing more than I thought I could about this event. Here are some prayer requests I have as the day approaches:
Mali to adjust amazingly to Eleri's arrival and addition to our family.
My heart to be so close to God that I can react in the Spirit towards Mali and NOT in my own flesh.
I will not loose much blood in c-section.
C-section to go well
Spinal to go well, no spinal headache. Great anesthesiologist and that they will get my spine the FIRST time!
This may be a long shot, but anyway, that massaging my uterus WILL NOT be as painful!
I will be able to bond with Eleri
I will remember my first moments with Eleri
My time in recovery will be quick, without sickness or low blood pressure, or anything else that happened last time.
I would not have much of a need for pain meds.
I will be able to balance Eleri and Mali
Feeding to go well. That Eleri will be a good, efficient eater.
Eleri would be healthy and perfectly developed.
Mali will feel loved and have fun with whomever she will be with during those few days we are at the hospital.

I know there are so many more. But for now that is what I can think of for the delivery day as it approaches. Thanks for loving us and always praying for us! Here's to the 50 day count down!

Thursday, December 4, 2008


This year we spent Thanksgiving at the cabin. It was so nice to be there and enjoy a dusting of snow. I love just relaxing and being with family! This year half of our family was with their in-laws, so it was just us and Brandon and Tina. We missed having a big group, but still made some memories. Eric and Brandon fried a turkey again this year, but it was a little more challenging in the snow and without the burner we forgot to bring.
There were several close calls whether or not we would have a fried turkey this year.
Terry made great sides and Tina brought great dessert. The guys also put up lights and the girls played with Mali and cooked. It snowed most of Thanksgiving day and then the day after Mali and I went outside and played in the snow. She loved eating the snow, making snow angels and being pulled on the sled by Grandpa. They even had a funny wreck that we all laughed about!
Afterwards, Mali made everyone snow ice cream. It was a great time. Thanksgiving is really one of my favorite holidays and I really enjoy celebrating it at the cabin!

32 weeks

Here I am at 32 weeks...it feels like I've had a growth spurt.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Eleri's (potential) birthdate

Today I had my regular OB appointment and it went great. I was in and out in 11 minutes!!! Those of you that shared the same OB as me in Lubbock understand how WONDERFUL that is!
Anyway, Eleri's heart rate and movement was great (HR: 164). The OB commented that she was excited today. She still feels breech as far as we can tell, but I will have another ultrasound in two weeks to confirm position, size, date, etc. I am measuring about 1 week behind. The OB also said that the last sonogram showed that Eleri seemed to be normally small! Mali was 7lbs 9oz, so I'm not sure how small Eleri will be. I was a 5lb baby, so who knows. Eric thinks that Eleri is going to have more of my genetics than his and is picturing a dark headed, small baby girl! It will be fun to see the differences and similarities of our two girls.
We also scheduled Eleri's birthday! It feels so weird to know when she is coming. The date, as long as she doesn't decide to come sooner, is January 29, 2009.
Mali seems to be getting more and more interested in baby Eleri too, which is great. She has been asking to feel her kick/move and tells all her little friends about it. In the past two weeks, when Mali has just been giggling and touching my belly, Eleri has really moved. I think that is just too cute that she is responding to her sister's laughter! I'm getting bigger and bigger and I think had a growth spurt, I think Thanksgiving helped! I will take a picture with Mali and post it soon!
Keep us in your prayers as we approach the c-section. I asked about what we could do about blood loss this time and my OB suggested that I get family members that have O type blood to donate. Eric has O but they will not take the father's blood because it could interfere with the baby. So, anyway want to donate some blood to me???:)
We are just hanging in there and going along with life, all the while her birthday quickly approaches! We are excited, but I'm a little nervous too about how life will change!