Monday, October 26, 2009

The Tallest of Smalls

I've stumbled upon an awesome opportunity for a book lover like me! I've become a blogger reviewer for Thomas Nelson publishing. In exchange for reviewing the book and posting it on my blog, I get to keep it! Books to read and books for free, yippee!
Today in the mail we received our first book, "The Tallest of Smalls" by Max Lucado. This is a children's book, but in a style similar to that of Dr. Suess, is appealing to all audiences. I loved the rhythm and rhyming of the words! Lucado's book addresses the issues faced by so many children in our world today; being left out for not conforming. All that a little boy wants is to be like the popular crowd but he learns that being at the "top" has its downfall. He ends up even more sad and lonely. But then the best part of the book, Jesus comes along, lifts him up, and reminds him that He created the little boy just the way he was and did not make a mistake! Many children's books allude to Jesus' help and love in their lives, but this book makes the message clear that Jesus made us and that we are His. Also, illustrations of "Jesus" are included that just point our children to Jesus as the answer to being left out, lonely, being different, and any other difficulty children to adults face. This type of book is exactly what I want my girls reading and listening to. The message of Jesus as the reason for hope is very clear. Mali even said, "that's a great book Mommie, read it again." I'm excited to have this book, and message, added to our collection!

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