Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Little Bo Peep

Mali has been learning about nursery rhymes at preschool and the lessons culminated with a nursery rhyme party today. Each kid had to dress as a nursery rhyme character and memorize and recite the rhyme that went with that character. Mali dressed up as Little Bo Peep. I realized I didn't even let her choose I just told her what to do, sort of! I will have to be more careful about that. But, we had a costume that went well for Little Bo Peep. Yippee for being able to reuse ballet costumes. Mali did amazing and I was very proud of her achievement and personality!:)

Mali is learning so much at preschool. She knows the sight words of a, is & the. Mali loves to ask us how to spell things and then write it. Currently, she is practicing writing her birthday invitations. Mali and her daddy are actually in the other room watching baseball and I'm listening to Mali ask him what the letters spell. This is what I heard 'what's M-L-B' spell! I imagine that made Eric's day. She wrote P-O-W-E-R today after she helped me start the laundry and spent this evening working on how to write I love you, with Eric.

Mali also LOVES singing and dancing. She loves doing all the cheers she learned at cheer camp and spelling S-A-N-D-I-E-S. I also had to include this picture of what she copied the other day off of our coffee cups. Future barista? I hear Starbucks is a good employer!:)


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