Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Eleri Cate is 9 months old

3/4 of this past year has just flown by! Our sweet baby is loosing so much of her baby-ness! Eleri has started to enjoy baby food a little more and especially likes using her self baby feeders. She had started mashing her gums, so I started giving her some table food. She has enjoyed green beans and mandarin oranges so far. It sure makes for an extra mess in the kitchen. Where are the inside dogs when you need them?;)
Here are some great things that Eleri is doing:
waking with her walker
won't be sat down she wants to be standing and is starting to step between objects when she cruises
lays her head down on pillows/blankets
still has her sweet squinty smile
Eleri is getting more and more hair, although not as much as Mali had at this age. We get compliments on it all the time. Most people comment on how she has her daddy's hair.
learned to turn light switches off. I love watching her learn and the light in her eyes when she discovers something new.
Plays peek a boo with the closet doors
loves playing with books and being read to, when I actually take the time.
Loves patty cake and smiles and giggles
learning sign language, especially signs for all done and more
waves bye bye the way her sister taught her

At Eleri's 9 month appointment she weighed 18.9lbs, was 28.5" long and her head was 43.4cm. Her height and weight are
average for a 12 month old. Mali's stats were the exact same!!! Eleri looked great and healthy at her 9 month appointment. Our pedi said to go straight to all table foods except eggs. I'm excited and ready, besides the mess and that it means Eleri is loosing the remaining babyness. At her appointment, our pedi said that waking every 30 minutes at night at this age was very normal because babies are experiencing anxiety for being all alone. This makes sense because Eleri is screaming everytime she wakes up. Our pedi said to let her cry it out and not to go in at all. I'm ready for this because I'm absolutely exhausted from being up for nights upon end. But I also know it's going to be hard to let my sweet baby cry for me. We've done it before, but I seem to have lost ALL resolve! Eric is on board too and has informed me he will be inserting his Bose earphones.

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