Friday, July 17, 2009

Little Fish

This week Mali had swim lessons for the first time.  She really had fun and looked forward to her 30 minute daily lessons.  I think she was also excited that Mr. Andrew was her swim instructor.    We were so proud of Mali and how much learned.  Today we got to watch her on her last day.  She did great!  I got a little nervous at one point when she was underwater for a while. I did notice this week that she was pretty much the only child that DID NOT stop moving!  The only down side was that Mali cried and cried about going down the water slide. I'm hoping her new skills will come in handy while we are in Austin this coming week. 
What Mali learned:
Move through the water independent of adult support using a Power Swimmer Floatation device
Go underwater and come up fro air-breath holding and control
Front float
Back Float
Kicking on the front or back
Paddle stroke
Ask permission to go into the water
Pool and Class Rules
Hold on to the side of the pool
Enter and exit the pool safely and independently 

Here are video clips of swim lessons!


  1. You need to come visit. Zach and Calyn will have her jumping off the diving board in no time.

  2. She looks like she's having a blast and is super excited to be in the water! I think swim lessons are so important and good for kids!
