Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Eleri Cate is 6 months old

Today Eleri is 6 months old. It has been half of a year since she was born, and again, I just can not believe it. We have really enjoyed her sweetness. At 6 months old, Eleri enjoys blowing raspberries and growling. Eric is very proud of the fact that he taught her to growl, and they growl back and forth at each other. It can be pretty funny! Eleri also likes to move and move. Right now she is rolling from place to place or scooting on her back. Sometimes she even "poses" on her side. She seems to have the strength to sit up, but would rather be on the move. She isn't crawling or sitting up yet, but that is okay with us. Mali sat up late so I'm not worried. I just think our girls would rather be moving than sitting!:) Eleri has started baby food too. So far she has had avocados and sweet potatoes. So far I'm making all of her baby food because she seems to enjoy eating it. She really gobbled up her sweet potatoes. We are going to go to the Farmer's Market later this week to get more vegetables for her food. Eleri also now has a sippy cup. Right now she enjoys chewing on the spout, but does not enjoy when she hits herself in the head with it. Which brings me to her sensitive little personality. Eleri DOES NOT like to get hurt and will let us know. She screams and cries over her injuries! However, she is still a pretty happy little girl. She has made many a person's day by giving them a big, loving smile. I really love that even at a young age, my girls are ministering to people by giving them a smile. It seems that nothing can make someone's day quite like Eleri's innocent, warm and full of love smiles can...especially my day!:) Eleri had started to extend her napping period-right before our Austin trip. That was so nice. I actually felt like I could accomplish something. However, since our trip, she is not napping well or sleeping well at night right now. Oh well, what do I have, 6 more months of this? I would rather be up at night than the alternative of not having our sweet baby girl. Eleri loves to play with her big sister; toys that are not really toys like paper, phones etc.; and in her excersaucer. While we visited the McCulloughs, Eleri tried out a jumper-roo, She LOVED it! We are going to borrow one from the Dallas family so she can have more fun! I think that is a good summary of sweet Eleri Cate at 6 months, as always, I'm sure my sleep deprived brain will think of more later!
I have had the awesome privilege of borrowing two excellent cameras since mine stopped working after our Austin trip. I have Brandon's Canon EOS and Terry's Nikon enjoy the better quality pictures that I got to take!


  1. I am going to need to see video of the growling.
    I love the pics and I hate to admit it but they do seem to be of a better quality.

  2. It was great hearing about your beautiful baby girl! I'm sure she could make anyone's day with her sweet smile! She is growing up so fast! I can't believe she's already six months!
