Friday, July 10, 2009


When we had Mali, I remember how much of a struggle it was to be able to pay for diapers. I spent time asking God to provide for us and learning what His provision meant. We were even provided for by our wonderful friends the Dallas family who just dropped off an extra box of diapers one time. Honestly, I'm thankful for that time in our lives, it was hard and I didn't always trust God. I also felt like I had to be careful to not "use" God as our genie, but I felt that He had showed me that staying at home with Mali was best, so I believed that He would provide the needs we couldn't because of me not having an income. This time around, we can afford diapers, its still a big purchase and not easy to just find that money, but we can do it, but again, I'm thankful for learning how to rely on God for our provisions and trusting Him that early with our sweet baby Mali! I'm learning in news ways to trust God this time with Eleri's safety or that she is getting enough attention or stimulation since I have to split my time between the girls/housework/and being a wife.

So, this time around I've become more thrifty as well. My friend Carrie taught me about CVS and the great deals there. I buy the pampers when they are on sale ($8.99/jumbo package and I usually get two) and use a pamper's coupon, plus scan my extra care card to get bonus bucks. One time I got two packages of diapers for $5!!! At Wal-Mart that would be about $19.00 for a box. For all of those interested in being thritfy and saving try out this website! I feel very proud of my accomplishments when I score a great deal. It takes more effort than running into Wal-Mart but it is more rewarding!:)

1 comment:

  1. I just caught up on your blog and I've laughed so much!!
    Mali and the room cleaning thing is hilarious (I realize it's probably not for you, but as a reader it's so funny!). I hope you find a system that works!! I've said this before...I'm definitely going to be following in your footsteps with my Reece. I'm always having to modify my approach and get creative when it comes to her. :)
    Eleri is getting so big. She is just gorgeous!!
    How blessed y'all are to have a place in the cool mountain air where y'all can go and build traditions and memories! And Eric looks absolutely hilarious in the parade!
    I've heard about the CVS thing. Can't wait to hear more on how you like it!!
