Two years ago today, Amarillo became our home. We packed up all of our belongings in our first home, closed on that house and made the drive to Amarillo. It certainly was bittersweet. But now Amarillo does feel like home, it doesn't feel like only two years that we have lived here!
So in honor of our anniversary in Amarillo, here is what I like about Amarillo:
1. Quick drive to the cabin, which means we can go more frequently AND that we don't have to leave at 10am to come home.
2. Our neighborhood
3. Our house....we drove past our house in Lubbock last time we were there, and I have to say I don't miss what they neighborhood had become. We are so blessed to live where we do!
4. Our flowerbeds in the front.
5. Hillside Christian Church and the kids ministry there (where we go to church).
6. Amarillo High Football
7. The work that I get to do and how God has blessed me tremendously through it!
8. BSA and my OB who was wonderful for Eleri's birth, and who also diagnosed my molar pregnancy and cared for me so well during that time.
9. Being so close to Brandon that we get to hang out with him nearly every weekend or just an evening visit.
10. Dinners with Chris and Megan and how great they are to our girls.
11. ChickFilA (I think it is a better environment here than in Lubbock).
12. Amarillo College kids classes...ballet is only about $40/semester....SOOO affordable.
13. Although I don't have a plethora of friends here yet, I am thankful for those that God has brought into my life. And quite honestly, I'm not sure I have all that much time for lots of friends!
There may be more, but I think a list of 13 things is pretty good for a place that I thought I would hate!