Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spring Craziness

Well, Spring football kicked off yesterday and it is going to be a hard few weeks of May!! Eric is no longer able to be home while I work with my client to watch the girls, so I will have a babysitter coming for them. Yesterday alone we:
took Eric's slacks to the dry cleaners, waited in line at Starbucks for 20 minutes to treat myself for aforementioned errand, had the batteries die in the swing at a crucial time, ran to Dollar Tree, lost my debit card, bought the wrong size batteries, worked and brought the girls along with me, Mali fell on the curb and scraped her leg which brought on drama, drove to ballet, helped Mali get her recital costume on, took a few pictures, fed Eleri in the teacher's office, called multiple people to watch Mali for the soccer banquet Eric just told me about, made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Mali, helped Eric decide which shoes looked best, dressed Eleri cute, finally dressed myself in something that hid my post-baby belly, dropped Mali off at the other Gomez's, attended Soccer Sports Banquet with Eleri in tow, fed Eleri in the lobby of the Ambassador Hotel with NO shame while visiting with the head soccer coach's wife (a lactation consultant), left banquet through the employee entrance that winded through the kitchen, picked up Mali and dressed girls in pajamas, went back to pick up Eric while Eleri screamed the whole way, came home and put the girls to bed!! Now, I feel better!:)
Today, I have my client from 4:30-5:30, and then some how have to take Mali to soccer practice by 5:30 at Windsor (across town) as well as take the babysitter home, and some where in there I probably need to make dinner! Late tonight, relief will come though, my mom is supposed to be coming into town.
Wednesday Mali has a Mother's Day Tea party that they put on for the moms, I can't wait to go.
At some point the house needs serious attention and I need to buy food for Eric's birthday party! We are having his 29th Birthday Party and Shed Building on Saturday. Kisha, Josh, Rory, Judy, Joe, Lori, Brandon (and Sierra) will be here for that. Then on Sunday we are having Eleri's baby dedication at church! I'm so excited about all of our events, but we are sure busy!

Picture of us before the sports banquet:

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