Thursday, May 21, 2009

16 weeks

Eleri is 16 weeks old today (we are counting that as 4 months as 4 x 4 is 16). She is doing great and is still such a wonderful wonderful addition to our family. Eleri slept through the night until Eric's birthday weekend, and hasn't since!:( I'm curious as why she starts sleeping through the night and then goes through a growth spurt! Uugh! Oh well, I'm trying to treasure my time with her at night. Eleri is rolling over all the time. Her favorite thing to do is shriek and talk. Eleri has discovered her feet and holds on to them now. She also likes to hold on to her clothes or my clothes or a blanket. She is still as sweet as can be. She has become much much more alert. This has caused problems with eating and going down for naps easily. As most you of you moms can probably remember, it goes like this, eat a little...look up at me and smile or a little....look at a little more...look at Daddy. It is very very sweet but also drives me crazy sometimes. I will never get tired of those sweet smiles though! Eric has noticed that Eleri enjoys being played with. He can turn her upside down or squeeze her a little and she just giggles. She definitely likes to laugh and we all love making her laugh. Eleri is getting very very heavy too. In fact, I'm sitting against a hitting pad because my back is bothering me and I think the culprit is carrying her in her infant carrier. We will not have her 4 month appointment until June 5th, but about 2 weeks ago she weighed 12lbs 12.5oz! Here are sweet pictures of our sweet girl today!


  1. What a big girl! Love the outfit and bow!!

  2. Gosh, I can't believe she's already four months! She is so cute! Does she still look a lot like Mali did at that age? I hope she's been able to sleep through the nights again. Darn growth spurts!
