Saturday, May 16, 2009

Ballet Recital and Dress Rehearsal 2009

This weekend was Mali's recital. She has been preparing all semester for these two days, and she did great. I was so proud of her and even teared up again this year. She also seemed to be having lots of fun which makes me happy too. The class did a ballet dance to the theme song from Tinkerbell and then a tap dance to "Shake shake shake Sharona" (or what Mali says "shake shake shake Banola":)) At the dress rehearsal, she did great even when the sound people messed up and cut off their second song. After her performance, I gave her fake flowers because I don't think a 4 year old can really take care of and appreciate the real thing, but has more appreciation for the fake. It was raining when we left and she said "the rain will make my flowers turn into real flowers"...oops maybe she would have appreciated the real thing!:) Mali also got Hershey Bliss Chocolates from her Daddy after the dress rehearsal performance, she was thrilled and has been asking for these regularly thanks to good advertising or too much TV watching!:) We survived and enjoyed it with very little drama. Although, Mali did begin the day out by slipping on the tile with her tap shoes on and then had backstage drama because she thought another little girl "stole" her coloring book. The idea was to have coloring books to keep them quiet backstage while they waited their turn, but apparently it didn't keep Mali quiet and caused quite the scene. Oh the drama! But she did her dances, isn't that success? The actual recital went great too. MeeMee and Great Grammy and Great Grandpa Hopson came to watch Mali dance. She really did great and really knew how to shake her little bottom, "when she winded up her bottom she go like a rocket" (those are the lyrics from the song). I was sad when I realized she wasn't in the youngest class anymore, she certainly is growing up. After the recital, Great Grandpa took us to Braum's for ice cream to celebrate and Mali got roses from MeeMee. She was very proud of them. I asked her what her favorite part was and she said "taking pictures"! Enjoy the pictures!

Here is her ballet dance, Mali is on the end in the back row

Mali's tap dance:

1 comment:

  1. I bet it's such a joy to see your little girl performing on stage. And it sounds like the drama was backstage, which is also a good thing.
