Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Few Eleri Pictures

Here are the latest pictures of Miss Eleri. She has been doing great, although she is getting a little sick with a cough and congestion, no fun for a 5 week old baby girl.

Meeting Uncle "J" for the first time. Jove kept kicking Eleri's rear when Aunt Chrissy was holding Eleri.

Eleri meeting Great Grandpa Hopson and Great Grammy Hopson.


Smiling in her sleep!


  1. Your girls are too precious for words. What a blessing. Oh and yes we were a few doors down when you had your sweet Eleri, however that isn't the room I had J in, they moved me from my room into the new rooms. I've enjoyed reading your blog and will add it to my list if that's ok!! ;)

  2. YES, and I will add you too to my list I read!:)
