Thursday, March 12, 2009

6 weeks

Today Eleri is 6 WEEKS old! I feel so incredibly blessed to have had these 6 weeks with her. Moments have been hard, but overall it has really been such a joy to have her as an addition to our family. I still think of the moment I got to see her and how amazing and wonderful it was to meet her. And I continue to feel that way when she smiles at me and as I watch her grow and changed. I feel so much love for her and awe at the little baby she is. She is doing great. Eleri is using her hands more and starting to grab and grasp really well. She enjoys her tummy time and is very good at holding her neck up, in fact she loves to be propped up upright so she can see her little world. She still loves talking to big sister, but also acts like she needs more space and quiet moments too. Her hair is growing!!! There is much more in the back now and some of the whisps in the front are curling a little. Eleri's skin is getting lighter too!:( I know so sad with how wonderful her skin tone was before. But now I see some splotchiness that is common in fair skinned complexions. I know she is going to be just beautiful no matter what. She loves to smile and talk talk talk! Her 5 hour naps are gone...that lasted two nights and then she got sick and we left town. But I'm still hopeful for the days that will come that she does sleep longer. I'm almost, almost, sad at the idea of her only getting up once or not at all because it will mean she is older! However, I really look forward to not getting up 3 or 4 times a night, when the time is right. I just love my sweet little princess and the joy and amazement she brings to our lives! And, last night Eric and I got our first alone time. It was amazing, and such a God thing. Mali ended up falling asleep in her room about 6, and I laid Eleri down at 6, and we were all alone eating dinner together. Eric was sweet to take that time to ask me how I was doing, and we got to talk. It was really really nice.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you and Eric got some time alone. I think as new parents, we forget to do that. I'm looking forward to sleep too, but it too shall come and soon and we'll have bigger babies. *sigh* :)
