Monday, March 30, 2009

Blizzard '09

One of the local weather forecasters kept referring to the storm that hit this past weekend as Blizzard '09 and Eric and I just laughed, so I can't not refer to it as Blizzard '09! We enjoyed the storm. I think Amarillo had 9.9 inches of snow with 5ft drifts. Mali had fun playing outside in the huge snow drifts. She played with Asa and even dropped Aspen in one of the drifts. Eric and I tag teamed with each other with playing outside with Mali in the snow. We each enjoyed helping build a snowman and snow ball fights. Mali and I finished the snowman (with oreo cookies for eyes that Mali ate) and then made snow ice cream. We had a ton of fun. I really enjoy the nice, big snows and playing outside with Mali and watching her play. Eric also finally caved and bought the Wii he has been wanting, so we finished the Blizzard of '09 with some Wii time. Here are a few of our pictures from the storm. Make sure and watch the slideshow too, it has a lot more pictures.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the pictures!!!! Eleri looks so cute in her snowsuit!!!
