Thursday, March 26, 2009

Eleri is 8 weeks old and full of smiles

Eleri is 8 weeks old and she is getting so big. No more newborn little baby! Eleri is doing great, we don't have her 2 month well check until April 3rd, so I don't know her stats, but she certainly feels heavier and looks bigger. There are a few 0-3 clothes that aren't fitting as well and most newborn clothes are very tight on her little feet and legs. We have moved her into size 1 diapers too. She is doing great and still such a sweet baby. Her smiles are so big and sweet. She also does this cute little lip quiver that is just unique to her and so cute. Eleri does hate her car seat and screams as soon as you put her in there. I'm learning the way to overcome that since we have to get in the car so much to take big sister to preschool and ballet. That is really Eleri's only difficult time. She loves to smile and talk. I love just starting at her and talking with her as well. Her big smiles make my day! Eleri still looks for her big sister, but does seem to become fussy more often now if big sister is crowding her. Eleri made it through her first church service, although Nana did leave a little early with her when clapping woke her up from her nap. Eleri has been practicing rolling over. 3 times she has rolled over, or rather "fallen over". Last night I proved it to Eric because he didn't believe me, but I still can't seem to really get it caught on camera. At about 6 weeks old, Eleri started going up to 5 hours at night between her first feeding and pretty much put herself on a predictable schedule. So, our nights typically look like this: feed at 7ish and then she has dropped that "nap", feed at 9ish and then she will sleep until 2am, wake up around 4:30 or 5 and eat, and then is up between 6:30-7:30am. Most of the time at night she does really great and eats and goes back to sleep fairly easily. Nap time has been a little bit of a struggle and I just feel like a failure with it, but most of the reason I can't do what I want to do is because Eleri is the 2nd born! We are dealing with the 45 minute intruder, where she goes to sleep but wakes up 45 minutes before she needs to eat pretty much without fail. Most of the time I end up just putting her in the swing and she goes back to sleep until she needs to eat. I keep thinking that I need to work harder at getting her back to sleep in her cradle. Speaking of, she is still in our room, I had moved Mali out at this age, but I think she'll stay a little longer!:) I know that once my brain starts functioning a little more during the day, I'll probably think of more Eleri things, but for now this is all my brain can think of (FYI there is a study that shows that your brain shrinks with pregnancy but then returns to normal, no
We continue to adjust and learn life with 2 girls. I feel like I'm constantly stretched and holding someone or caring for someone and barely take time to breathe on my own, in fact I don't even shower by myself right now because it is easier to shower with Mali and get two things knocked out at once. Even so, I love it and love my sweet Eleri. She is so precious to us, as is Mali. God is sustaining me (I rarely get a nap) and teaching me how to lean on Him. I feel incredibly blessed to have these two girls in my life and look at them as such miracles.
And, just quickly, I had my last OB appointment and am released to resume normal activity, however, I do have a small hernia. I'm not worried at this point about it, but am glad to know why I've still had such pain on one side!

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