Thursday, October 9, 2008

What we've been up to

Our lives are so busy right now, we've been up to a lot of things. When the day calms down, we like to spend time outside, we really love our neighborhood. Our trees and lawn are so pretty right now with the touch of fall. Plus the weather at night has been pretty great. Eric has been riding his bike and so has Mali. She really enjoys riding her bike and sometimes her new scooter too.

Mali also had her Fall Party at preschool. She had fun eating little cakes, but was confused if it was her birthday party or not. I think she finally figured it out. Mali is learning great things at preschool, like how funny it is to toot (all the time) and how to whine in different voices. Last night she explained to me that Girl A says "mommie mommie" and Boy A says "tooty tooty"...hmmm. Other than learning embarrassing social skills, she is enjoying cutting out shapes, making squirrel food and learning about shapes and colors at preschool.

Mali is also loving BSF this year. She really seems to be learning so much about baby Moses and different scripture. Earlier she was pretending to read Psalms. Her teachers say that she is their big helper and I think she really enjoys the role of helper/leader and not being the young one in her class!
On nights that Eric has out of town games, we try and do a "Girls night". Mali loves this. We paint our fingers and toes and watch a girly movie or take a super duper bubble bath. Sometimes we even put masks on. I can't believe in a short while, girls night will include a new sweet girl.


  1. Annerson shares Mali's affection for tooty tooty! I can't wait for girls' nights. So exciting.

  2. It looks like you're loving life and enjoying every minute of it! The pictures are so cute! Congrats to Eric and has awesome team! Maybe they'll be undefeated!
