Wednesday, October 15, 2008

6 months pregnant!

I can not believe I'm 6 months pregnant now (24 weeks). It is such a blessing and relief to be at this point. I'm really enjoying feeling Eleri move. She is very active, despite my first impressions. Pretty much any time I'm still, I feel her move. I'm really enjoying it and treasure it as a blessing!
I had my 6 month appointment today. Eleri's heart beat was at 158 and I measured on target. I've gained a few pounds and everything else was good. I have begun to have Braxton Hicks contractions and asked the doctor about them. He was so great and believed me!!! My ob in Lubbock never believed me that I was having them. It is always good to feel normal and not like I'm a crazy pregnant lady! He explained them to me and told me to rest and drink water when they are happening and if they don't go away in one hour after that to give him a call. He explained that he will probably send me to the hospital at that point to get a shot to stop them. But, I'm not worried. I had these with Mali starting at 7 months and never went into labor or progressed past a 5, so I doubt if anything happens this time. It is so nice the 2nd time around to not be so worried about everything! However, my OB did give me a quick sonogram to make sure my cervix was thick enough (3 cm which is good). I got excited (and a little giddy) thinking that I would get an extra peek at Eleri. BUT, I got to see the top of her head and that was it. I was a little sad, but I would have hated for Eric to miss seeing her.
Every thing with Eleri and me is really, really great. I'm just trying to be content and really enjoy these times before she is born, both enjoying pregnancy and life as we know it!

This isn't the best picture, but some how was the ONLY one that was in focus. It is good enough to see I've grown!:) To see the full effect, take a look at the slideshow at the bottom of the blog.


  1. so excited for you...and so glad to know things are going well. i can't wait to meet the new little gomez beauty!! :) k

  2. you are so tiny! Your belly looks just like it did with Mali :)

  3. Did you swallow a basketball? That's what it looks like! You are so tiny and so cute! I am glad all is well! I can't wait to see little Eleri!

  4. Wow! You have grown even since I saw you guys at Hobby Lobby! I love it! You look adorable! :) Glad Mali is so excited!

  5. Has it really been 6 months?! It looks like you have a ball under your sweater. Are you ready for the cold weather. Zach is 5 and 1/2 months old.

  6. Doesn't the time just fly by! I am SO excited for you guys, what a blessing to have a healthy baby girl on the way!

  7. Wow, over 6 months already! It seems like just a couple of months ago you weren't even pregnant! I'm so happy that everything going so well and that you have such a great OB doc! I'm sure that makes such a difference!
