Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Mali is so blessed with her grandparents. They have blessed her and loved her from birth (well, even before that!) I just wanted to quickly write a post about the fun she gets to have with her grandparents (although this is not all inclusive of the things they do for her).
This past Friday, Grandpa (My Dad) watched Mali while I went to a training. Mali had so much fun with him. They baked cookies and played. Her highlight though, was driving in a Cadillac convertible WITH THE TOP DOWN to a lunch date at Chick Fil A. She keeps talking about the day, and even said "mom do what Grandpa does", which meant put the top down. I had to explain to her that my car doesn't work like that. She informed me that she would help me buy one like Grandpa's! I think that is a special treat reserved solely for Grandpa! Mali loves her Nana too, who happened to be out of town for this Grandpa/Mali day. Nana buys Mali pretty clothes that she loves to wear. Nana and Grandpa spoil Mali too, but they also teach her manners, discipline and structure too. Mali has had fun staying the night with them in Dalhart at times. Mali enjoys posing for Nana's pictures too. She loves her Grandpa and Nana!
Mali has other great things that she gets from her relationship with her grandparents. MeeMee and Papa (Eric's parents) spoil her rotten, just like any grandparent should and give her all the things mommy and daddy stay away from. She loves the spoiling and attention. She also gets to go to the golf course and drive Papa's cart. Mali enjoys getting to see them frequently when they come to Amarillo. Mali enjoys being able to act really silly and be the center of attention with them. Mali loves her Papa and MeeMee.
Mali is also loved and loved by her Grammie (my mom). Grammie certainly treats Mali like a princess. Grammie always seems to find just the right clothes and costumes that Mali loves dressing in. Grammie has blessed Mali by giving her the gift of Ready, Set, Go and Ballet classes. Grammie is always sending packages that Mali loves to get. Mali likes to talk about Ouray (where Grammie lives) and Grammie's cats.
I know that I didn't even do justice to the wonderfulness of each grandparent's relationship with Mali,but I wanted to try to include just a little about the love and memories she gets from having grandparents! It is so neat to sit back and watch her at this age, as she develops memories and unique relationships with our parents! We are blessed by you guys!

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