Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Maternity Clothes Woes

Uugh...is really all I can say. I'm in yet another awkward stage of pregnancy. I'd really prefer not to get dressed in anything but pajamas at this point. I'm really not uncomfortable, but finding pants that fit and don't make me look huge on either end and then finding a shirt that covers the panel or all of my ever expanding belly, is becoming tiresome. I hate taking a long time to get ready, and daily I seem to be trying on several outfits until one works. I've finally discovered the problem though (which I encountered with my pregnancy with Mali as well, but MUCH closer to my due date)...the problem seems to be that I carry low, so the oh-so-attractive panel sticks out more and is not easily hidden by regular length maternity shirts. Eric has also made me promise to not wear the tent shirts, so it has become challenging to find something that fits. He does like to have input on how my maternity clothes look (FYI husbands this is NOT a good idea when your wife is pumped full of hormones!) Today another preschool mom informed me that I was getting bigger by the day. I think it is true, I really noticed last night. However, I'm thankful for this pregnancy and some what happy with my pregnant belly, although it causes some mild discomforts. Oh well if I wear jogging pants or the same pair of jeans every day...this is a blessing and just a season. And if you haven't noticed, I only have 97 more days of maternity clothes woes...and then it will be trying to find something that hides the left over baby fat and doesn't hurt my (possible) incision! Oh, life!
On a positive side of pregnancy, we have a dresser that Eric's parents gave us and have decided on bedding for her room. It is all starting to come together in our heads, but we won't start working on the room for a month or so. Eleri seems to be doing well. This last week she hasn't seemed to be moving as much, maybe because I've been running around so much and not resting. Eric says we have "mommy/Eleri" time at 10pm each night when I'm still and laying in bed. We are preparing, but waiting. I think Mali is preparing my sleep schedule too, to need less sleep. She's been up the last few nights, but I'm trying to be positive and think that I'm just getting used to less sleep!

1 comment:

  1. oh yes...I am still battling this clothing issue :) Maternity pants fall down and i have to pull them up all day...old size 6 just doesn't fit over the belly, but size 8/10 also fall down. SUCH fun!
