Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Mali is so blessed with her grandparents. They have blessed her and loved her from birth (well, even before that!) I just wanted to quickly write a post about the fun she gets to have with her grandparents (although this is not all inclusive of the things they do for her).
This past Friday, Grandpa (My Dad) watched Mali while I went to a training. Mali had so much fun with him. They baked cookies and played. Her highlight though, was driving in a Cadillac convertible WITH THE TOP DOWN to a lunch date at Chick Fil A. She keeps talking about the day, and even said "mom do what Grandpa does", which meant put the top down. I had to explain to her that my car doesn't work like that. She informed me that she would help me buy one like Grandpa's! I think that is a special treat reserved solely for Grandpa! Mali loves her Nana too, who happened to be out of town for this Grandpa/Mali day. Nana buys Mali pretty clothes that she loves to wear. Nana and Grandpa spoil Mali too, but they also teach her manners, discipline and structure too. Mali has had fun staying the night with them in Dalhart at times. Mali enjoys posing for Nana's pictures too. She loves her Grandpa and Nana!
Mali has other great things that she gets from her relationship with her grandparents. MeeMee and Papa (Eric's parents) spoil her rotten, just like any grandparent should and give her all the things mommy and daddy stay away from. She loves the spoiling and attention. She also gets to go to the golf course and drive Papa's cart. Mali enjoys getting to see them frequently when they come to Amarillo. Mali enjoys being able to act really silly and be the center of attention with them. Mali loves her Papa and MeeMee.
Mali is also loved and loved by her Grammie (my mom). Grammie certainly treats Mali like a princess. Grammie always seems to find just the right clothes and costumes that Mali loves dressing in. Grammie has blessed Mali by giving her the gift of Ready, Set, Go and Ballet classes. Grammie is always sending packages that Mali loves to get. Mali likes to talk about Ouray (where Grammie lives) and Grammie's cats.
I know that I didn't even do justice to the wonderfulness of each grandparent's relationship with Mali,but I wanted to try to include just a little about the love and memories she gets from having grandparents! It is so neat to sit back and watch her at this age, as she develops memories and unique relationships with our parents! We are blessed by you guys!

Maternity Clothes Woes

Uugh...is really all I can say. I'm in yet another awkward stage of pregnancy. I'd really prefer not to get dressed in anything but pajamas at this point. I'm really not uncomfortable, but finding pants that fit and don't make me look huge on either end and then finding a shirt that covers the panel or all of my ever expanding belly, is becoming tiresome. I hate taking a long time to get ready, and daily I seem to be trying on several outfits until one works. I've finally discovered the problem though (which I encountered with my pregnancy with Mali as well, but MUCH closer to my due date)...the problem seems to be that I carry low, so the oh-so-attractive panel sticks out more and is not easily hidden by regular length maternity shirts. Eric has also made me promise to not wear the tent shirts, so it has become challenging to find something that fits. He does like to have input on how my maternity clothes look (FYI husbands this is NOT a good idea when your wife is pumped full of hormones!) Today another preschool mom informed me that I was getting bigger by the day. I think it is true, I really noticed last night. However, I'm thankful for this pregnancy and some what happy with my pregnant belly, although it causes some mild discomforts. Oh well if I wear jogging pants or the same pair of jeans every day...this is a blessing and just a season. And if you haven't noticed, I only have 97 more days of maternity clothes woes...and then it will be trying to find something that hides the left over baby fat and doesn't hurt my (possible) incision! Oh, life!
On a positive side of pregnancy, we have a dresser that Eric's parents gave us and have decided on bedding for her room. It is all starting to come together in our heads, but we won't start working on the room for a month or so. Eleri seems to be doing well. This last week she hasn't seemed to be moving as much, maybe because I've been running around so much and not resting. Eric says we have "mommy/Eleri" time at 10pm each night when I'm still and laying in bed. We are preparing, but waiting. I think Mali is preparing my sleep schedule too, to need less sleep. She's been up the last few nights, but I'm trying to be positive and think that I'm just getting used to less sleep!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

6 months pregnant!

I can not believe I'm 6 months pregnant now (24 weeks). It is such a blessing and relief to be at this point. I'm really enjoying feeling Eleri move. She is very active, despite my first impressions. Pretty much any time I'm still, I feel her move. I'm really enjoying it and treasure it as a blessing!
I had my 6 month appointment today. Eleri's heart beat was at 158 and I measured on target. I've gained a few pounds and everything else was good. I have begun to have Braxton Hicks contractions and asked the doctor about them. He was so great and believed me!!! My ob in Lubbock never believed me that I was having them. It is always good to feel normal and not like I'm a crazy pregnant lady! He explained them to me and told me to rest and drink water when they are happening and if they don't go away in one hour after that to give him a call. He explained that he will probably send me to the hospital at that point to get a shot to stop them. But, I'm not worried. I had these with Mali starting at 7 months and never went into labor or progressed past a 5, so I doubt if anything happens this time. It is so nice the 2nd time around to not be so worried about everything! However, my OB did give me a quick sonogram to make sure my cervix was thick enough (3 cm which is good). I got excited (and a little giddy) thinking that I would get an extra peek at Eleri. BUT, I got to see the top of her head and that was it. I was a little sad, but I would have hated for Eric to miss seeing her.
Every thing with Eleri and me is really, really great. I'm just trying to be content and really enjoy these times before she is born, both enjoying pregnancy and life as we know it!

This isn't the best picture, but some how was the ONLY one that was in focus. It is good enough to see I've grown!:) To see the full effect, take a look at the slideshow at the bottom of the blog.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What we've been up to

Our lives are so busy right now, we've been up to a lot of things. When the day calms down, we like to spend time outside, we really love our neighborhood. Our trees and lawn are so pretty right now with the touch of fall. Plus the weather at night has been pretty great. Eric has been riding his bike and so has Mali. She really enjoys riding her bike and sometimes her new scooter too.

Mali also had her Fall Party at preschool. She had fun eating little cakes, but was confused if it was her birthday party or not. I think she finally figured it out. Mali is learning great things at preschool, like how funny it is to toot (all the time) and how to whine in different voices. Last night she explained to me that Girl A says "mommie mommie" and Boy A says "tooty tooty"...hmmm. Other than learning embarrassing social skills, she is enjoying cutting out shapes, making squirrel food and learning about shapes and colors at preschool.

Mali is also loving BSF this year. She really seems to be learning so much about baby Moses and different scripture. Earlier she was pretending to read Psalms. Her teachers say that she is their big helper and I think she really enjoys the role of helper/leader and not being the young one in her class!
On nights that Eric has out of town games, we try and do a "Girls night". Mali loves this. We paint our fingers and toes and watch a girly movie or take a super duper bubble bath. Sometimes we even put masks on. I can't believe in a short while, girls night will include a new sweet girl.

Homecoming 2008

Last weekend was Homecoming! It was a busy week for us with a home game for Eric, homecoming parade, homecoming pep rally, and then the game. Mali had a mum again this year. Eric didn't have time to make it, but picked out all of the accessories and handed the baton to me saying "you've seen me do it enough times now." Mali looked cute and even got her face painted! The game was great and one of the most exciting ones I've been to. So exciting that towards the end, Mali started crying every time we hollered or cheered because it was so loud! We won, I guess that is obvious. Eric's team is 6-0 as of right now, but hopefully in a few hours they will be 7-0.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A little bit freaking out

I tried and tried to come up with a better title for this post, but it just didn't happen, and this title fits. The other day it hit me that next week I will be 6 months pregnant, which means 3 months to go, which really means about 17 weeks left until Eleri is born. OH MY GOODNESS!!! I have been very content with this pregnancy and not felt the desire to rush it at all, so maybe that is why it has now snuck up on me. If it were up to me, I'd just hang out in the 2nd trimester for a little longer (it has been really great). I'm excited for her birth, don't get me wrong, but I'm feeling inadequate and unprepared. We haven't even come close to deciding on bedding thanks to my picky husband:) (just kidding honey, sort of). Her "room" is still be used as my office (no big deal really), we haven't figured out where to relocate all of the office items in our previously large house that has now shrunk with the addition coming, her "birth" hasn't been paid for yet, we have no crib,....anyway the list of my worries could go on and on. But on a much larger note, I'm wondering if I can do this...another baby, plus having Mali already. I'm scared of spending my moments with Mali yelling at her or frustrated with her not napping when I need a nap so bad or pulling a "I need water, I need...." at bedtime. I'm not sure I can do it. Actually, I know that in my own humanness I CAN NOT do it effectively and as wonderfully as I know it needs to be done. The encouragement though, is that we are studying the Life of Moses in BSF right now and God has reminded me that He needs my obedience and not my ability! Good thing, because I'm pretty sure I don't have the ability. Moses had a failure to start off his calling (I've had several "failures" in my calling as mother with Mali and I'm sure I'll add some to the list this next season.) Moses argued with God about his calling (I might be there right now, "God are you sure I can parent a girl well enough, are you sure I can parent two, no I can't do it God). Moses was scared that he didn't have the ability (I don't have the ability, even though God has brought me LEAPS and BOUNDS in the mothering department, I'm still not the perfect mother.) But, I know the end of Moses' story...that God used Moses despite all of this and that Moses is commended for his FAITH and not all of his FAILURES. I just sometimes wish I knew the end of my story...but then I'd miss all the amazing mothering moments I have before me! (Like Mali calling out last night "Good-night Baby Eleri.") We have sweet moments ahead, difficult moments ahead (as two moms in two days have decided they need to tell me all about how difficult having two is), and moments we can not even fathom. I pray that I'll make it, that I'll lean on God and rely on HIS abilities and focus on being obedient and selfless. Pray for us in the meantime, for my love and attitude towards Mali, that I treasure and am wise with all my moments with her, an easy transition (its worth praying for and hoping for), and that Mali loves and cherishes her baby sister and adapts well to the change in family. Pray for me and Eric too, that we will be a team as we head up our castle of princesses!:)
Well, I need to go wipe my hormonal eyes!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Gymnastics watch day

Monday was gymnastics watch day. It was a little hard to always see Mali and to get good pictures. She seems to enjoy gymnastics and getting her energy out. They worked on the bars but Mali seemed a little hesitant to flip over the bars. She was doing really well though and sat and obeyed her teacher. Here is a good gymnastics pose of her!

We love Fall!

One of the top perks of living in Amarillo is being so close to the cabin. It is only about 4.5 hours from Amarillo, compared to the 6.4 it was from Lubbock. So this past weekend we went up to the cabin for a family get away. It was so wonderful to see the beautiful leaves, relax in the hammock, do nothing but eat and breathe in the mountain air. It was great time for our family. We relaxed a lot and enjoyed each other. Mali played outside and collected gold leaves. We got to watch the deer eat grass in the yard and ride the four wheeler around to look at leaves. Mali and I also went on a little walk Saturday morning. These were my special moments with my dad and a great memory I have. When I would go to the cabin, we would always take a special morning walk together, just us two and enjoy the outdoors and sometimes talk. It was fun to pass this along to Mali. Sunday when we got ready to leave, we stopped at Bear and Blue Lake and had a picnic lunch by the stream and let Mali fish. Since we didn't have a permit, we let her use her fishing pole with her pretend fish. She had fun with it, but kept wanting to catch a real fish. Next time we are going to try and fish for real, but we aren't sure that she is quite ready for the patience it takes. Those fishing moments make me miss my Grandpa and wish that he could have passed on his passion for fly fishing to Mali, but there is a good chance it is in her blood anyway!:)

See the rest of our pictures at