Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I am always amazed at how God opens doors when they are supposed to be opened. Since we moved to Amarillo, I've been trying to pursue a "job" or rather a few clients to help us out financially. It has seemed like the right time with Mali getting older and needing me (or wanting me) less, and with Eric being home more at 3:30 every afternoon. It just seemed to be the right time for me to see a few clients while Eric could be home with Mali at 3:30. I've also noticed that Amarillo does not seem to have many counselors specializing in children or adolescents and felt that there was a need. Since my heart is for this population, I did want to provide that resource, but minimally. So...I've prayed about job opportunities and pretty much have waited for God to open some doors. A few weeks ago I sent out an email to local children's ministers and ended up being contacted by New Hope Christian Counseling and Resources. This agency mainly provides resources for those in the church and points them towards Christian counseling. So, I went in for an interview to get on their resource list and was offered a job! It was such a God thing! And, is perfect for what I need. They offered me an office in their agency. The director said that they are really in need of someone to work with kids and teens and it seemed like a perfect fit. I don't have to see many clients, and get to pick and choose how many I want to see. Right now I'm set up for 4 clients with mine and Eric's schedule. I also don't pay for the office except per client (the agency gets 30% of what I bring in). I don't do any of the billing or scheduling either! It has worked so perfectly. I even get my own business cards and I just picked up the key! I'm amazed out how God laid this out to happen! I do have to admit that I'm a little nervous too and want to be a good counselor and effective and not disappoint the agency. At the same time, I'm sad to leave Mali and have a cried a little over this, but then reminded myself that it will be 4 hours a week!!!
I just wanted to share this amazing opportunity with you guys and to let you know the news in our lives right now!
Here is the website for the agency:

1 comment:

  1. How exciting! I am excited for you and this new oppurtunity. It is amazing how the Lord works.
